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Hye Yoon Jang 1 Article
A Case of Squamous Metaplasia of the Stomach
Moo Song Jeon, Gwang Ha Kim, Do Youn Park, Jae Hoon Jeong, Dong Hwahn Kahng, Hye Yoon Jang, Jong Hyun Choi, Eun Kyoung Park
Clin Endosc 2013;46(4):407-409.   Published online July 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Intestinal metaplasia of the stomach is a common metaplastic lesion associated with chronic gastritis and mucosal atrophy. However, squamous metaplasia is a comparatively rare condition. On endoscopy, squamous metaplasia is usually observed as a whitish mucosal lesion in the lesser curvature of the cardiac region of the stomach. When Lugol's iodine solution is applied, the lesion stains brown in the same way as normal esophageal mucosa. We report a case of 79-year-old man with a whitish flat lesion in the lesser curvature of the cardiac region on surveillance endoscopy after endoscopic treatment of gastric adenoma. The endoscopic biopsy showed stratified squamous epithelial mucosa.


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