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Takashi Joh 1 Article
Endoscopic Approach via the Minor Papilla for the Treatment of Pancreatic Stones
Takahiro Nakazawa, Kazuki Hayashi, Itaru Naitoh, Fumihiro Okumura, Takashi Joh
Clin Endosc 2012;45(3):189-193.   Published online August 22, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

We aimed to evaluate whether the advanced techniques have influenced the minor papilla approach.


We studied the success rate of guide wire insertion by using ordinary techniques and advanced techniques (rendezvous method and precut method) in 30 patients via the minor papilla. We compared the selection of the access routes between before (52 patients) and after (28 patients) the introduction of the Soehendra stent retriever.


In 19 out of 30 patients (63%), guide wire insertion via the minor papilla could be achieved by using ordinary techniques. In total, the guide wire could be inserted in 27 patients (90%) by using the advanced techniques. Before introduction of the Soehendra stent retriever, the major papilla approach was chosen in 38 cases (73%), and the minor papilla approach in 14 cases (27%). After introduction of the Soehendra stent retriever, the major papilla approach was used in 26 cases (93%) and the minor papilla in 2 cases (7%). The frequency of selecting the minor papilla approach has significantly decreased (p<0.05).


The advanced techniques have contributed to the improvement of endoscopic approaches via the minor papilla, and decreased the frequency of selecting the minor papilla approach.


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  • Efficacy of pancreatic stenting prior to extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for pancreatic stones
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    Digestive and Liver Disease.2014; 46(7): 639.     CrossRef
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