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Yong Duk Jeon 1 Article
Multicentric Type 3 Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumors
Sang Hoon Lee, Dochang Moon, Hee Seung Lee, Choong-kun Lee, Yong Duk Jeon, Ji Hye Park, Hyunki Kim, Sang Kil Lee
Clin Endosc 2015;48(5):431-435.   Published online September 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

A 50-year-old woman with incidentally detected multiple gastric polyps and biopsy-proven neuroendocrine tumor (NET) was referred to our hospital. More than 10 polypoid lesions (less than 15 mm) with normal gastric mucosa were detected from the gastric body to the fundus. The serum level of gastrin was within the normal limits. There was no evidence of atrophic changes on endoscopy and serologic marker as pepsinogen I/II ratio. Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis revealed no evidence of metastatic lesions. She refused surgery, and we performed endoscopic polypectomy for almost all the gastric polyps that were greater than 5 mm. Although the histological examination revealed that all the removed polys were diagnosed as NET G1, three of them extended to the lateral or vertical resection margins, while two exhibited lymphovascular invasion. A follow-up upper endoscopy that was performed 6 months after the diagnosis showed multiple remnant gastric polyps that were suggestive of remnant gastric NET.


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