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Volume 10(1); June 1990
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종설 : 담도결석의 내과적 치료
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):19-26.   Published online November 30, 1989
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내시경적 식도 정맥류 경화술 후의 균혈증에 대한 연구 ( Bacteremia Following Endoscopic Injection Sclerotherapy of Esophageal Varices )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):27-32.   Published online November 30, 1989
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The incidence of transient bacteremia following esophageal variceal sclerotherapy (EVS) was evaluated in 29 patients. These 29 patients underwent a total of 83 sclerotherapy sessions.Prior to EVS, all instruments were sterilized. Blood cultures were drawn pre-EVS and post-EVS.All pre-EVS and post-EVS blood cultures were negative. In conclusion, it was found bacteremia following sclerotherapy is not easily developed, if a vigorous approach of using well cleaned equipment is used. Unless there is a cardiac prothesis or valvular heart disease, antibiotic prophylaxis is not warranted.
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세관형 식도중복증 1예 ( A Case of Tubular Esophageal Duplication )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):33-35.   Published online November 30, 1989
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Esophageal duplication is the congenital developmental anomaly manifestated as cystic or tubular type. The tubular esophageal duplication found at adult is extremely rare. A patient with tubular esophageal duplication is reported. A 37 years old male developed epigastric pain aggravated at hunger state from 2 monthes before administration. Gastrofiberscopy was done, and we could found the tubular esophageal duplication at 25 cm from incisiors. Esophagogram exposed the tunnel communicated with right anterior side of normal esophagus at upper and lower part of the tubular pathway with the length of 6 cm at T4-5 level. The microscopic finding of the tubular lumen revealed normal esophageal wall structure involving the outer part of muscle layer. Surgical resection was not done for the lesion was small and no symptom due to esophageal duplication was present. And so, the authors report this case as a tubular esophageal duplication with a literature review.
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식도 및 위분문부에 (胃噴門部) 병발한 원발성 중복소세포암 1예 ( A Case of Multiple small cell carcinoma in Esophagus and Cardia )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):37-40.   Published online November 30, 1989
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Small cell carcinoma does originate from APUD cells of any parts of the body. Usually the cases discovered in the lung and have poor prognosis. In esophagus only about 100 cases are reported world widely after McKneown reports in 1952 and only 2 cases were reported in Korea. There was a cese of small cell carcinoma developed multiple lesions in esophagus but no reports said that small cell carcinoma developed syncronously in esophagus and other organs. We are to report a case that showed a multiple lesions in esophagus and cardia. The patient 60 yeata old man, has suffered from the substernal discomfort and significant weight loss for one month.
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위절제술후 십이지장-위 역류성 위염 ( Reflux Gastritis after Gastrectomy )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):41-45.   Published online November 30, 1989
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We studied prospectively on the grade of severity of reflux gastritis after Billroth- I (15 patients and B-II (66 patients) using gastrofiberscopy mostly 3~4 montsh after operations from December 1988 to February.The grade of severity af gastritis was arbitarily defined as follows; Grade 0-almost no reflux of bile and no redness on gastric mucosa. Grade 1-mild redness of the mucosa limited within an inch from anastomotic line. Giade 2-Edema and mucosal redness involves almost one half of remaining gastric mucosa. Grade 3-the above cbanges involves most of remnant gastric mucosa. Gtade 4-in addition to grade 3, friability of mucosa and/or, erosions is noted. Grade 5- ulceraitions of mucosa in addition to the above changes. Using the above defined criteria, we obtained the following results; 1) there was no rieflux gastritis in one patient in B- I group and remainders have varing grades of reflux gastritis, ie; 93% (14/15) (see Table 2). 2) In B- II reconstructed patients, grade 0 was 2 patients and remainder had reflux gastrits, ie; 96% (64/66) (see table 4). 3) Grade 5 patients have ulcerations in the esophagus and grade 2 changes in the stomach.
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상부소화관 이물의 내시경적 적출술의 검토 ( A Review of the Endoscopic Extraction in 52 Cases of the Upper Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):47-52.   Published online November 30, 1989
AbstractAbstract PDF
A clinical review was performed in 52 cases with the foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract who underwent the endoscopic extraction of fereign body at our hospital from June 1985 to October 1989. The results are as following. 1) The most prevalent age was under 10 years of age (21 cases, 40.4%), and male was more prevalent than female (M:F=1.6:1). 2) The most common site of foreign bodies was esophagus (35 cases, 67.3%), next stomach (15 cases, 28.9%). 3) The foreign bodies in esophagus were coins (18 cases, 51.4%), meats (7 cases, 20.0%), bones (5 cases, 14.3%), other food materials or metals (5 cases, 14.3%)in order of frequency, and those in the stomach wer bezoars (7 cases, 50.0%), coins (2 cases, 14.3%), suture materials (2 cases, 14.3%), others (baduk stone, pin, tack, cross). 4) The combined diseases with upper gastrointestinal foreign bodies were the passage disturbances (11 cases, 21.2%) due to stenosis, and schizophrenia (1 case), aleoholism (1 case). 5) Complications by foreign bodies were 8 cases (15.4%), such as eisophageal laceration or ulceration (4 cases), esophaigeal perforation (1 case), aspiration pneumonia(1 case), duodenal obstruction (2 cases). 6) Successful rate of the endoscopic extraction was 88.5%(46 in 52 cases). And 6 unsuccessful cases were 4 cases who have gastric bezoars too hard and large to extract, a case with esophageal perforation, and a case with bezoar in the third portion of duodenum.
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위의 염증성 섬유양 용종 1예 ( A Case of Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp of the Stomach )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):53-57.   Published online November 30, 1989
AbstractAbstract PDF
Inflammatory fibroid polyp is a relatively rare, benign polyp which is composed of fibraus connective tissue, blood vessels, and infiltration of eosinophils. The majority of inflammatory fibroid polyps has been reported with pathologic specimen in stomach and small intestine. We performed the gastrofiberscopy and endoscopic ultrasonogram of an inflammatory fibroid polyp, which reveals central ulcerated polypoid mass originated in the submucosa of antral portion of the stomach. So we report a case of endoscopic and endoscopic ultrasonographic findings of inflammatory fibroid piolyp in stomach. The etiolagy and pathology are discussed with the review of the literatures.
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위암의 내시경소견과 병리조직학적 소견의 비교검토 - 내시경적 Borrmann type 을 중심으로 - ( Endoscopic Findings and Its Diagnostic Accuracy in Gastric Cancer Confirmed by Surgery )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):59-64.   Published online November 30, 1989
AbstractAbstract PDF
In order to evaluate the accuracy of endoscopic findings in the diagnosis of gastric can the endoscopic findings of gastric lesion were compared with the macroscopic and pathologic findings of excised identical lesion. 105 operated gastric cancer paitients (advanced cancer 95 cases, early cancer 10 cases) who were diagnosed endoscopically at Pusan National University Hospital from January 1983 to August 1987 were studied. The results were as follows; 1) The accuracy of endoscopic findings were 94.7% in the advanced gastric cancer, and 45.5% in the early gastric cancer. 2) The accuracy of gross findings endoscopic and pathologic in advanced gastric cancer were 50.0% in Borrmann type I, 45.0% in Borrmann type II, 73.2% in Borrmann type III, and 66.7% in Borrmann tyye IV. 3) The accuracy of the endoscopy ia morphologic classification of advanced gastric cancer according to pathologic tumor location were 60.0% in C (upper 1/3), 43.9% in M(middle 1/3),76.3% in A (lower 1/3), 55.6% in the anterior wall, 50.0% in the posterior wall, 66.7% in the greater curavature, and 67.2% in the lesser curvature. 4) The accuracy of endoacopy in morphologic classification of gastric cancer to tumor size ware 54.5% in below 2 cm, 54.5% in from 2.1 cm to 4 cm, 65.4% in from 4.1 cm to 6.0 cm, 80% in from 6.1 cm to 8 cm, 75.0% in above 8.1 cm. 5) The accuracy of endoscopy in the morphologic classification according to the pathologic tumor stage in advanced gastric cancer were 55.6% in TNM stage I, 52.0% in TNM stage II, 65.4% in TNM stage III, and 73,7% in TNM stage IV.
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대량 출혈을 일으킨 원발성 위 Carcinoid 종양 1예 ( A Case of Gastric Carcinoid Tumor with Massive Bleeding ).
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):65-68.   Published online November 30, 1989
AbstractAbstract PDF
We experienced a case of gastric carcinoid with melena and syncope, which had a metastasis to regional lymph nodes. The gastric carcinoid tumor with massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding, which required transfusion, is very rare disease. So we report a case of gastric carcinoid with massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding with a review of relevant literature.
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Neodynium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet 레이저 응고술에서의 접촉형 탐촉자의 지혈효과 ( Hemostatic Efficacy of the Contact Probe in Photocoagulation Therapy with Nd : YAG Laser in Arteries of Rabbits )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):69-78.   Published online November 30, 1989
AbstractAbstract PDF
The upper gastrointestinal bleeding is to be controlled and prevented for recurrent bleeding with several endoscopic methods. The sapphire contact probe in Nd: YAG laser photocoagulation was compared to conventional non-contact probe in hemostatic efficacy. (continue...)
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담도 위누공 2예 ( Biliary - Gastric Fistula : Report of Two Cases )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):79-83.   Published online November 30, 1989
AbstractAbstract PDF
Spontaneous internal biliary fistula is not an uncommon complication of neglected cholelithiasis, peptic ulcer, and carcinoma. The indidence, as given by various authors, differs but seems to vary between 3 and 5% of all cases of biliary disease. Until development of endoscopy, diagnosis has depended on the presence of air or barium in the biliary tree as radiologic findings or symptoms. Recently endoscopic examination, biopsy in appropriate case, and cannulation of the fistula for precise radiographic delineation will help to make a diagnosis. The main typesof fistulas are cholecystoduodenal, cholecystocolic, choledochoduodenal. Cholecystogastric or choledochogastric fistula is very rare type of internal biliary fistulas. Recently we encountered two cases who had suffered from fever and right upper abdominal pain with pneumobilia as ultrasonographic findings. They were confirmed as having cholecystogastric fistula, and choledochogastric fistula due to complicated gallstones by ERCP and surgical exploration. So we report two cases of biliary-gastric fistula of these patients with a review of relevant literatures.
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Melanosis Coli 1예 ( A Case of Melanosis Coli )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):85-88.   Published online November 30, 1989
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Melanosis coli is the brownish pigmentation of the colon associted with the ingestion of anthraquinone compounds as iaxatives. The brownish discoloration of the colon mucosa is due to accumulation of macrophage containing lipofuscin pigment in the lamina propria. This is the one of the complications of laxative abuse, but the pigments disappear by withdrawing the anthraquinone. We report a case of malanosis coli histologically confirmed by fibersigmoidoscopic biopsy in a 70-year-old female patient consuming anthraquinone compound for twelve months with a review of the literature.
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직장암에 동반된 괴저성 허혈성 대장염 1예 ( A Case of Gangrenous Ischemic Colitis Associated with Rectal Carcinoma )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):89-93.   Published online November 30, 1989
AbstractAbstract PDF
The ischemic coitis proximal to obstructive colon cancer was firstly reported by MacCallum and Kaisch in 1947. Nowsdays, its clinical importance and the study of pathogenesis is reported frequently. Because of the rare inciedence of this complicated condition this lesion could be overlooked which then could result anastomotic leakage, fecal fistula and peritonitis. Recently, we have examined a 61 year-old Korean male patient who had the complaints of acute abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. The diagnosis of gangrenous ischemic colitis associated with obstucting rectal cancer was confirmed on the basis of sigmoidoscopic and operative and associated histopathological findings. After prompt surgical intervention, the patient was discharged with good improvement. The literatures are reviewed here with the case presentation.
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자동코드화 방식을 적용한 소화기내시경검사 보고서 작성 및 자료 정리 업무 전산화 ( Computerization of Reporting and Data Storage Using Automatic Coding Method in the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):95-103.   Published online November 30, 1989
AbstractAbstract PDF
The authors developed a computer program for use in report printing as well as data storage and retrieval for the gastrointestinal endoscopy service. This program used IBM PC XT and was written in dBASE III plus language. We applied the automatic SNOMED coding method, which is one of the most efficient and accurate method of computerization of medical data. The working sheet which contained the results of previous endoscopic studies could be printed during registration. The dBASE word processor enabled issuing of the formal report of endoscopic result, and the data storage was carried out during the typewriting of the report. Two kinds of data files were stored in the hard disk; the temporary file contained full informations and the permanent file contained patients identification data and SNOMED code. Searching of a specific case was performed by chart number, patients name, date of study, or SNOMED code within a second. All the cases were arranged by SNOMED codes of procedure, topography and morphology codes. Every new data was copied to the diskette automatically. with which data could be restored in case of hard disk failure. The main advantages of this program in comparison to the large main frame computer system are low price, flexibility and easy accessibility. Based on our experience (including surgical pathology department, radiology, clinical pathology), we assume that this program may fit every endoscopy room where there are less than 20,000 cases per year.
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월례집담회 : 반복되는 출혈을 동반한 상부위장관 혈관 이형성증 2예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1990;10(1):105-108.   Published online November 30, 1989
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