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Volume 14(2); June 1994
원저 : 한국 소화기 내시경의 현황과 교육 ( Original Articles : Present Status and Education of Digestive Endoscopy in Korea )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):127-144. Published online November 30, 1993
- A survey was done on the participants of the previous education seminar. Eighty two endoscopists from 67 instituties had replied and 50 practitioners replied for a total of l32 that were surveyed and analyzed. (continue...)
원저 : 위식도 역류질환에서 식도염의 발현율 ( Original Articles : Incidence of Esophagitis in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ( GERD ) )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):145-150. Published online November 30, 1993
- The exact incidence of esophagitis in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) remains poorly understood in Korea. To determine incidence of esophagitis in GERD, from August 1988 to July 1993, endoscopy, esophageal manometry with Bernstein test, and ambulatory 24 hour esophageal pH monitoring were carried out in a group of 349 patients with symptoms of heartburn or noncardiac chest pain. Based on these studies, 151(40%) patients had some degree of GERD and pstients were categorized as having: pathologic reflux, 98 patients; symptomatic reflux, 42 patients; and sensitive mucosal reflux, 11 patients. Among 151 patients with GERD, 27 patients(18%) had some degree of esophagitis. In conclusion, 40% of patients with symptoms suggestive of GERD have GERD. GERD is divided into subgroups; pathologic reflux, symptomatic reflux, and mucosal sensitive reflux. Less than 20% of GERD have esophagitis or esophageal mucosal injury and these low incidence of mucosal injury in Korean may be due to increased esophageal mucosal resistance.
원저 : 간경변증 환자에서 급성 식도정맥류 출혈의 내시경적 정맥류 결찰요법후 추적 관찰 성적 ( Original Articles : Follow-up Results after Endoscopic Variceal Ligation for Treatment of Acute Bleeding Esophageal Varices in Liver Cirrhosis )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):151-160. Published online November 30, 1993
- Endoscopic injection sclerotherapy(EIS) is currently the most widely practiced method for treating and eradicating bleeding esophageal varices in repeated sessions, but may be associated with some undesirable local and systemic complications. (continue...)
원저 : 식도의 과립세포종 5예에 대한 임상-병리학적 검색과 국내 문헌 고찰 ( Original Articles : Granular Cell Tumor of the Esophagus - Analysis of five cases with review of four additional cases in Korean literature - )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):161-165. Published online November 30, 1993
- Granular cell tumor(GCT) has been identified in all organ systems, most often in the oral cavity and subcutaneous tissue. GCT of the esophagus has been considered rare. However, this neoplasm is being recognized with increased frequency since the use of fiberoptic endoscopy has become widespread. We report 5 cases of granular cell tumors involving the esophagus, all of which were incidentally found. Four additional cases of GCT which appeared in the Korean literature were reviewed.
원저 : 소화성 궤양의 출혈에 대한 내시경적 알코올 주입 치료의 효과 ( Original Articles : Endoscopic Alcohol Injection Therapy in Bleeding Peptic Ulcers )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):166-170. Published online November 30, 1993
- Bleeding that recur or continues after hospital admission for an acutely bleeding peptic ulcer is the single most important factor adversely affecting prognosis. The endoscopic findings of stigmata of recent hemorrhage such as active bleeding, a visible vessel or fresh blood clots in peptic ulcer indicate relatively high rebleeding risk. 30 patients with stigmata of recent hemorrhage in bleeding peptic ulcers were treated by endoscopic alcohol injection therapy during the 3-year period from August 1989 to July 1992. 30 cases included 24 gastric ulcers, 4 duodenal ulcers, and 2 stomal ulcers. 8 of these were actively bleeding at the time of endoscopy and non-bleeding visible vessels were identified in 15 patients and fresh blood clots were present in 7. 12 of total 30 cases had rebleeding or continuous bleeding. 3 of 8 with active bleeding, 5 of 15 with non-bleeding bisible vessels, and 4 of 7 with fresh blood clots had rebleeding. Emergency operations were done in 4 cases. There was no complication such as perforation and mortality. We think that this modality of endoscopic hemostasis is safe and simple, but further randomized controlled trials will be needed to evaluate the efficacy of hemostasis by endoscopic alcohol injection therapy.
원저 : 상부위장관 이물질의 내시경적 적출 ( Original Articles : Endoscopic Foreign Body Extraction of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):171-174. Published online November 30, 1993
- This is a retrospective review of our experience with endoscopic extraction of 20 cases of foreign body on the upper gastrointestinal tract at sanggye paik hospital from Oct. 1989 to Nov. 1993. Among 20 cases, 3 cases were under 5years of age and 17 cases were over 27years of age. 9 cases (45%) were located in the esophagus, 8 cases (40%) were in the stomach and 3 cases (15%) were in the duodenum. All children (100%) have true foreign body, almost of all adults (82%) have food-related foreign body. Dysphagia with chest pain or vomiting was the most common symptom in the esophageal foreign body. Epigastric pain and vomiting or hematemesis were common symptoms in the stomach or duodenal foreign body, All of the esophageal foreign body (100%) were extracted within 72 hours, most of all (91%) stomach and duodenal foreign body were extracted after 72 hours.
원저 : 췌장의 낭성병변에서 ERCP 의 진단적 의의 ( Original Articles : Diagnostic Value of ERCP in Pancreatic Cystic Lesions )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):175-181. Published online November 30, 1993
- The majority of cystic lesions of the pancreas are psudocysts and a small fraction neoplastic. Failure to recognize the true nature of neoplastic cyst will lead to an incorrct treatment strategy. Ultrasonography, computerized tomography and angiography were used to distingish these lesions, but diagnostic value of ERCP is in controversy. To evaluate the diagnostic value of ERCP in cystic lesions of the pancreas, we analysed 33 cases of pancreatic cystic lesions (pseudocyst 18 cases, retention cyst 3 cases and cystic, neoplasm l2 cases) between Apr. 1985 and June 1993. In 18 cases of pseudocysts, ERP findings were communication with cyst in 8 cases (44.4%), chronic pancreatitis in 8 cases (44.4%), obstruction in 4 cases (22.2%) and displscement of pancreatic duct in 2 cases (11.1%), and ERC findings, which were perfomed in 8 cases, showed cholangitis in 3 cases (37.5%), CBD stone in 2 cases (25%), mass effect in 1 case (12.5%) and normal in 2 cases (25%). There was no communication with the cyst and pancreatic duct, except two mucinous ductal ectasia, in 12 cases of cystic neoplasms, and the other findings were displacement of pancreatic duct in 4 cases (33.3%), obstruction in 2 cases (16.7%) and normal in 4 cases (33.3%). ERC findings of cystic neoplasm were almost normal (85.7%) except 1 case of cholangitis. In conclusion, ERCP findings of pseudocysts were communication with pancreatic duct, chronic pancreatitis and biliary tract abnormality. In contrast, ERCP findings of cystic neoplasms were displacement or obstruction of pancreatic duct without communication and chronic pancreatitis, and biliary tract abnormality were rare.
원저 : 십이지장경을 이용한 순수 췌액 채취 및 췌액 분석 ( Original Articles : Collection and Analysis of Pure Pancreatic Juice via Duodenoscopie Cannulation )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):182-189. Published online November 30, 1993
- The recent development of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) now permits the collection of pure human pancreatic secretions via duodenoscopic cannulation. Study objectives are evaluation of exocrine pancreatic function and analysis of pure pancreatic juice collected by use of ERCP technique in subjects without pancreatic disease. From March to July 1993, we performed ERCP and collection of pure pancreatic juice in 10 patients without evidence of pancreatic disease. (continue...)
원저 : 내시경적 유두부 괄약근 절개술 123예의 임상적 고찰 ( Original Articles : 128 Cases of Endoscopic Sphincterotomy ( EST ) )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):190-195. Published online November 30, 1993
- Endoscopic sphincterotomy(EST) is now an established therapeutic procedure for various disorder of the pailla of Vater, the biliary tract, and the pancreas. From November 1992 to September l993, 123 cases of E.S.T were performed in our hospital. The success rate of EST was 97.8%, and choledocholithiasis was the indication for EST in 63. 4% of cases. Among 78 cases of choledocholithiasis, 47 cases were presence of gall bladder with stone (16 cases) or without stone (31 cases), especially 46 cases were assisted with needle type papillotome and 23 cases were assisted with guidewire. EST hae relatively low complications and is the therapy of choice for choledocholithiasis and various diisease of biliary tract. Guidewire assisted stanard papillotome probable reduce the use of needle type papillotome in the difficult cases that EST with pull type papillotome was impossible.
증례 : 담관낭종에서 발생한 선편평 담관암 1예 ( Case Reports : Adenosquamous Carcinoma Arising in Choledochal Cyst )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):196-201. Published online November 30, 1993
- Cystic dilatation of the biliary tree, so called choledochal cyst, is an uncommon disease and is not uncommonly associated with carcinoma. The most symptoms on. presentation are abdominal pain, weight loss, jaundice, and palpable mass. The prognosis of these lesions is dismal. Recently we experienced a case of carcinoma arising in a choledochal cyst in 27-year-old male complaining jaundice and fever. ERCP revealed marked dilated the CBD and obstruction of the proximal portion of the CHD. A computerized tomographic scan and percutaneous cholangiogram showed cystic dilatation of both intrahepatic ducts and solid mass in the left hepatic duct. The patient was treated with surgical resection. Pathologic studies disclosed an adenosquamous carcinoma.
증례 : 궤양성 대장염의 경과중 발생된 비허혈성 망막중심정맥폐쇄증 1예 ( Case Reports : A Case of Nonischemic Central Retinal Vein Occlusion Developed in the course of Ulcerative Colits )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):202-206. Published online November 30, 1993
- Ulcerative colitis is a chronic, inflammatory disease of colon which is rare in Korea. In the course of ulcerative colitis numerous extraintestinal complication may develop on the joints, skin, liver, kidney, vessel, oral cavity and eyes. The most common ocular lesions complicated in patients with ulcerative colitis are episcleritis and iritis. And the cases of retinal vascular disease in associated with ulcerative colitis are extremely rare. We experienced nonischemic central retinal vein occlusion complicated in a patient with ulcerative colitis, who is 32-year-old male and complained decreased visual acuity and metamorphosis.
월례집담회 : 조기식도암에서 내시경적 점막절제술
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):207-208. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : 원발성 식도 소세포암 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):209-211. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : 기관지 잔유조직에 의한 선천성 식도협착
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):212-213. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : 위의 평활근종에 의해 유발된 위십이지장중첩중 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):217-218. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : 정맥류 결찰장치를 이용한 내시경적 점막절제술로 제거된 미소위암 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):219-222. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : 위에서 발견된 신경 내분비 암종 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):223-225. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : 위장관 , 피부 및 간의 다발성혈관종 ( Bleu Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome ) 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):226-229. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : 상부 위장관 출혈로 내원한 위 기생충성 호산구성 육아종 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):230-233. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : 편평선종을 동반한 경성용종에서 발생한 침습성 선암
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):234-237. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : Endoloop 를 이용한 내시경적 용종절제술
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):238-240. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : 대장으로 전이된 폐암 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):241-243. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : 결장을 침범한 Henoch - Schoenlein Purpura 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):244-246. Published online November 30, 1993
월례집담회 : 식도정맥류 ( EVL ) 용 고무밴드를 이용하여 치유된 대량 혈변을 동반한 직장혈관 이형성증 ( Angiodysplasia ) 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):247-248. Published online November 30, 1993
제36회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 특별강연 : 한국 소화기 내시경술의 현황과 교육
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):255-255. Published online November 30, 1993
제36회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : Gastroduodenal Crohn's Disease 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):256-257. Published online November 30, 1993
제36회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : Esophageal Leiomyoma 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):256-256. Published online November 30, 1993
제36회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : Esophageal Aspergillosis 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):256-256. Published online November 30, 1993
제36회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : 위 이소성 췌장
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1994;14(2):257-258. Published online November 30, 1993