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Volume 15(2); June 1995
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원저 : 조기위암의 내시경적 고찰 ( Original Articles : Endoscopic Review of Early Gastric Cancer )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):185-193.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
In order to decide on appropriate treatment strategy against gastric cancer, an accurate preoperative evaluation of the depth of cancer invasion is essential. We studied 165 cases(19%) of early gastric cancer among 706 cases of gastric cancer. resected over a 6 year period. A retrospective study of early gastric cancer was done to evaluate the endoscopic accuracy and lymph node metastasis status, the following results were obtained: 1) The proportion of EGC according to macroscopic type was 68.5% of depressed type(II, III, IIa+III, IIc+III, III+IIc, IIb+IIc), 26% of elevated type(I, IIa, IIa+ IIb, IIa+IIc), 5.5% of flat type(IIb). 2) In the view of accuracy of endoscopic diagnosis, the rate of accurate diagnosis suitable for postoperative macroscopic type was 37.5%, the rate of unsuitable typed EGC was 33.3%, overestimation(diagnosed to AGC) was 20.6% and underestimation(diagnosed to benign diseases)was 8.6%. Overall accuracy of endoscopic diagnosis was 70.8%. 3) The cases confined to the mucosa were 40.6% and others were submucosal cancers(59.4%). 4) Positive lymph node metastasis was found in 1.5% of M-cancer and 18.4% of SM-cancer(overall 11.5%). 5) Node positive rate of differentiated cancer was 10.5%, undifferentiated carcinoma was 15.4%. There was no signficant difference in frequency of nodal metastasis according tumor size and macroscopic type. 6) Tumors which satisfy the following criteria may not metastasize to lymph nodes:(1) confined to the mucosa; (2) less than 2.0cm in diameter; (3) macroscopically elevated or flat; (4) histologically well or moderately differentiated.
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원저 : 담관낭종에 관한 임상적 고찰 ( Original Articles : Clinical Analysis of Choledochal Cyst )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):194-202.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
We studied and analyzed 66 cases of choledochal cyst in a 9 year period from March, 1985 to December, l993 at Hangang, Kangnam and Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital. The results were as follows; 1) Age ranged from 1 year to 82 years and ll of 66 cases were below 10 years. The ratio of men to women was 1: 1.9. 2) The frequency of the triad of symptoms and signs were in order of abdominal pain 53 cases(80.3%), jaundice 12 cases(18.2%) and abdominal mass 9 cases(13.6%). The classical triad of pain, mass and jaundice was present in only 2 cases(3.0%). 3) Alkaline phosphatase was elevated in 42 cases(63.6%), hyperbilirubinemia in 29 cases(43.9%) and hyperamylasemia in 9 cases(13.6%). 4) Performed diagnostic procedures were ultrasonogram in 57 cases(86.4%), endo- scopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram in 32 cases(48.5%), DISIDA scan in 18 cases(27.3%), computed tomogram in 14 cases(21.2%) and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiagram in 6 cases(9.1%). 5) Among 38 cases which ERCP or PTC were performed, according to the Todani's classification, Type I was seen in 28 cases(73.7%), Type IVA in 7 cases(18. 4%), Type II in 2 cases(5.3%) and Type V in I case(2.6%). 6) The associated diseases were cholangitis in 15 cases(22.7%), choledocholithiasis in 12 cases(18.2%) and cholangiocarcinoma in 2 cases(3.0%). 7) Operative procedures were performed in 22 of 66 cases, excision of cyst with Roux-en-Y c~holedochojejunostomy in 17 cases, choledochocystojejunostomy in 2 cases and external drainage in 3 cases.
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원저 : Tannenbaum Stent 와 OASISTM 삽입 기구의 사용 경험 ( Original Articles : Endoscopic Application of Tannenbaum Stent with OASISTM )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):203-211.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Endoscopic biliary drainage has been established as the palliative treatment of choice for malignant obstructive jaundice. But the clogging of biliary endoprosthesis has been a persistent problem faced by endoscopists over many years. Different materials, sizes, and designs have been used in efforts to overcome this problem. Recently, there are some reports that incorporating sideholes increases the risk of stent clogging, and prostheses without sideholes had significantly lower clogging compared to those with sideholes. And then Soehendra and his colleagues introduced a new design Teflon straight stent without sideholes, designated "Tan-nenbaum" (TB) stents, and reported that TB stent had significantly longer patency than Teflon pigtail stent with sideholes. When placing the TB stent, we used OASIS (One Action Stent Introduction System). This introducer enables the stent to be pre-loaded onto the distal tip of the guiding catheter and placed endoscopically in one step. By using OASIS, we reduced the duration of placing the stent in narrowed bile duct and the patients were more tolerable. Now, we report our experience of endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage by use of TB stent and OASIS" in 12 patients with obstructive jaundice due to malignancy.
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증례 : 침윤성 흉선종에 속발한 조기식도암 1예 ( Case Reports : A Case of Early Esophageal Cancer Associated with Invasive Thymoma )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):212-217.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Metachronous double cancer of primary early esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and invasive thymoma is a very rare condition. The invasive thymoma had been detected during the myathenia gravis evaluation and treated by radiation therapy 5 years ago. The esophageal lesion had a nodular-surfaced flat elevation at the mid-esophagus that was found by esophagoscopy. Radical resection for the lesions was undertaken after histologic confirmation. Postoperative pathologic examination documented that the esophageal squamous cell carcinoma was in the "early" stage involving the mucosal and submucosal layer only. We report a case of early esophageal cancer associated with invasive thyrnoma with literatures review.
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증례 : 기관식도누공이 병발한 T-임파구성 임파종 ( Case Reports : Tracheoesophageal Fistula in a Patient with T-cell Lymphoma )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):219-222.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Although lymphoma may involve any part of gastrointestinal tract either primary or secondary, esophageal involvement is rare. Secondary esopahgeal involvement of lymphoma is showing an incidence between 0% and 6% with autopsy series and lesser then 1% in living patients. The occurrence of a tracheoesophageal fistula(TEF) in patient with lymphoma is even more rare. We describe one case of TEF due to secondary esophageal invasion of T-cell lympboma and review the literature, with particular attention to chest CT and esophagoscopic finding, and endoscopic biopsy result.
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증례 : 내시경적 정맥류 결찰요법 ( EVL ) 중 발생한 식도천공 1예 ( Case Reports : A Case of Esophageal Perforation during Endoscopic Variceal Ligation )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):223-233.   Published online November 30, 1994
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Endoscopic variceal ligation(EVL) was developed to provide a safer alternative than injection sclerotherapy for treatment of bleeding esophageal varices. EVL adds a new indication that will significantly increase the use of overtubes. overtube itself may have a role in predisposing to esophageal perforation but only one report has been published regarding an esophageal perforation related to the placement of an overtube. Recently, we experienced a case of esophageal perforation caused by overtube placement during endoscopic variceal ligation. So we report this case with review of relevant literatures.
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증례 : 결핵성 기관지 식도루 1예 ( Case Reports : A Case of Tuberculous Bronchoesophageal Fistula )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):235-239.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Tuberculous bronchoesophageal fistula is a rare disease. We experienced a case of the tuberculous bronchoesophageal fistula, which was found by endoscopy and surgically confirmed. A sixty seven years old female patient complained of foreign body sensation in the throat and frequent aspiration, especially after liquid meal. Esophagoscopic ex- aminatian showed the orifice of the fistula in the midesophagus at the level of 28 cm from the incisors. Esophagogram showed bronchoesophageal fistula between midesophagus and the right intermediate bronchus. A bronchoscopy visualized fistulous tract with granulation in the right intermediate bronchus. Biopsy specimens obtained from the bronchus revealed the esophageal tissue with granulation and multinucleated giant cells. Fistulectomy with wrapping procedure was performed successfully. Surgical pathologic findings confirmed a small focal granuloma and chronic inflammations, compatible with tuberculosis. There was no evidence of malignancy at the specimens. She was treated with anti-tuberculous agents and became well.
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증례 : 위의 원발성 융모상피암 1예 ( Case Reports : A Case of Primary Gastric Choriocarcinoma )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):240-245.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Extragonadal choriocarcinoma arising in the stomach of a 53-year-old male is presented. The tumor was diagnosed as choriocarcinorna of the stomach by histologic examination and immunohistologic method of biopsy specimens. The tumor showed the multiple metastases to the lung and liver. The level of human chorionic gonadotropin was significantly increased in the serum. The patient died of hepatic failure at the 26th hospital day.
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증례 : 내시경적 결찰요법에 의한 Dieulafoy 궤양의 치료 ( Case Reports : Endoscopic Ligation Therapy of Dieulafoy Ulcer )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):247-252.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Dieulafoy ulcer is an unusual cause of massive, recurrent and frequently fatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage that results from erosion of abnormally large submucosal artery. Although the lesion has been found throughout the gastrointestinal tract, it most commonly occurs in the proximal stomach. Diagnosis depends on the observation of protruding and eroded artery with pulsatile bleeding or adherent thrombus by endoscopy. Even during active bleeding, the endoseopic examination can be negative if intraluminal blood or clots obscure the source of bleeding. If the bleeding has stopped, the small mucosal lesion can be easily overlooked. Unlike peptic ulceration, there is no excavation of the mucosa. A 76-year-old man presented with massive hematemesis and melena. The patient had no previous history of peptic ulcer disease. He did not drink alcohol and use aspirin or NSAIDs. Physical examination revealed a pale, severely diaphoretic male with hypotension and melenic stools. He was found to have hemoglobin 4.0 g/dL and hematocrit 12.7%. We performed emergency endoscopy which showed a pulsatile and bleeding exposed artery without evidence of surrounding ulcerative lesion on the posterior wall of upper body of stomach. Endoscopic ligation using O ring of Stiegman-Goff endoscopic ligator kit was done successfully and the bleeding stopped immediately after ligation. Ten days after treatment, endoscopy showed artificial ulcerative lesion on previous ligated site and no evidence of bleeding. Another endoscopy four days later revealed healing ulcerative lesion. After improvement, the patient was discharged and rebleeding has not occurred to date.
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증례 : 위에 박힌 이쑤시개 1예 ( Case Reports : A Case of Toothpick Stuck in the Stomach )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):253-257.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Foreign bodies in the stomach are usually ingested by children under the age of 5 years, persons with dentures and alcoholics or mentally disturbed individuals. Many patients will be asymptomatic and will be brought in by parents with a history of having swallowed something. The ingested foreign bodies are mainly coins, particles of metal, fish bones and etc. A toothpick in the stomach has been rarely reported in an alert adult. Here, we present a case of a patient with toothpick stuck in the stomach, that she did not realize she had swallowed. It was removed by an endoscopy without any complications. A 57 year-old woman was admitted to Uijoagbu St. Mary's hospital because of epigastric pain for 10 days. The pain persisted constantly in the epigastrium and aggravated after meals. Sbe had an episode of vomiting during these days. A yellowish white, thin, stiff material 1.5 cm long was found by an endoscopic examination stuck at the less curvature of the antrum. It was removed by the endoscopic biopsy forceps and was proved to be an wooden toothpick, sharp at both ends, with a length of 6.6cm and a diameter of 0.2 cm. There was a small ulcer at the site of the removed toothpick and mild bleeding from the ulcer. The epigastric pain was relieved after the removal of the toothpick. She did not realize she had swallowed the toothpick. Four days later, a follow-up endoscopic examination revealed closed ulcer and no bleeding. She was discharged without complications.
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증례 : 위의 평활근종에 의해 유발된 위십이지장중첩증 1예 ( Case Reports : A Case of Gastroduodenal Intussusception caused by Gastric Leiomyoma )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):258-265.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Gastroduodenal intussusception is an rare condition usually caused by prolapse of a gastric tumor with subsequent invagination of a portion of the stomach wall into the duodenum. Symptoms are protean, but classically patients have presented with episodic epigastric abdominal distress, a history of intermittent vomiting and gastroduodenal bleeding, either as melena, hematochezia, or stools positive for occult blood. Examination generally discloses a fullness or mass in the epigastrium. Its typical radiologic presentation includes luminal narrowing, distally converging gastric folds, infolding and outpouching of the gastric wall, a filling defect, and a coil-spring pattern. A 71-year-old man was admitted for epigastric pain and melena which required blood transfusions. Endoscopy showed an unexplained pulling-down of part of the gastric body and the pylorus couldn't be identified. An upper GI barium examination demonstrated a huge lobulated mass from the distal antrum of stomach to the duodenal cap. On abdominal sonography, double contour of stomach wall was seen at the proximal portion of narrowing stomach. At surgery, a large, intraluminally exophyting gastric mass prolapsed into duodenum was excised and diagnosed as leiomyoma of stomach.
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증례 : 점액과분비성 담관 낭종성선암 1예 ( Case Reports : A Case of Biliary Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):267-273.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Biliary cystadenoma and cystadenocarcinoma are rare tumors which have a good prognosis after complete surgical removal. Correct pre-operative diagnosis depends on the imaging characteristics of the tumors. Computed tomography, Ultrasono-graphy, angiography and cholangiogram are useful diagnostic procedure in biliary cystic tumor but definite diagnosis cannot be made without histologic diagnosis. Before the surgery, cholangioscopy is necessary for deciding operation field. The prognosis of the biliary cystic tumor seems to be much better than that of other solid hepatic tumors. If there is no evidence of metastasis, complete resection of these tumors is, therefore, necessary for these possibly curable disease. Recently, we experienced a 60-year-old woman complained of jaundice and generalized itching sensation, which was diagnosed as biliary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. We decided operation field by cholangioscopy, and performed left hepatic lobectomy and T-tube choledochojejunostomy. So, we report this case with a review of relevant literature.
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증례 : 임신 2기에 시행한 복강경 담낭절제술 ( Case Reports : Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):275-278.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis frequently necessitate cholecystectomy. Experience is increasing with laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a technique that avoids much of the morbidity, pain, prolonged hospital day, and recovery complications associated with the traditional approach. And the safety of laparoscopic cholecystectomy was confirmed. Besides appendectomy, cholecystectomy is the second most common nonobstetric procedure performed in pregnant women. We have performed one case of a successful laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the second trimester of pregnancy. Pregnancy was once a contraindication of laparoscopic operation, but no longer.
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증례 : 십이지장경 소견으로 진단이 가능했던 췌장의 Mucinous Ductal Ectasia 3예 ( Case Reports : Thre Cases of Mucinous Ductal Ectasia of the Pancreas Which Were Diagnosed by Duodenoscopic Findings )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):279-284.   Published online November 30, 1994
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We have experienced three cases of mucinous ductal ectasia of the pancreas. They showed the characteristic duodenoscopic findings and underlying pathology was hyperplasia in two cases and adenocarcinoma in one case. When endoscopic retrograde pancreatography was performed, bulging ampulla of Vater, patulous ampullary orifice and mucus leakage from papillary orifice were noted. Also cyst-like dilatation of main duct or side branch of the uncinate process were observed.
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증례 : 흥미로운 내시경적 역행성 췌관조영술 소견을 보인 췌장을 침윤한 복강내결핵 1예 ( Case Reports : A Case of Intraabdominal Tuberculosis with Pancreatic Involvement Showing Interesting ERP Finding )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):285-293.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Tuberculosis of the pancreas is a very rare disorder, little reported in the literature. Several theories of the pathogenesis of pancreatic tuberculosis have been proposed. Direct invasion of the pancreas by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is rare; most commonly the pancreas is spared even when liver and spleen are severely involved by miliary dissemination. More common is the involvement of abdominal lymph nodes which, as caseating masses, subsequently invade the pancreas. Pancreatic tuberculosis is a treatable and preventable disease; however, major challenges remain in diagnosis. There have been several reports including the endoscopic retrograde pancreatographic(ERP) findings, however, our case of pancreatic tuberculosis showed quite unusual ERP findings. We report a 54-year old man suffering from chronic epigastric pain and weight loss who was diagnosed intraabdominal tuberculosis with pancreatic involvement. Abdominal ultrasonography showed ill-defined hypoechoic mass at pancreatic head, peripancreatic lymph nodes enlargement and intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts dilatations. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatogram showed blurring and irregularity of the second branch of pancreatic duct at head and the parenchymal abnormal pooling of the contrast dye was noted. Percutanieous transhepatic cholangiogram revealed the complete obstruction of the distal common bile duct. At explo-laparotomy, massive necrosis and fibrous adhesions were noticed around the extrahepatic bile duct and pancreas head and multiple pericholedochal lymph nodes enlargement and several whitish-yellow nodules on the surface of the liver were noted. The extrahepatic bile duct was dilated and the common bile duct at the suprapancreatic portion was compressed by the lymph nodes and necro-inflammatory tissues which invaded the pancreatic head posteriorly. The microscopic findings of the nodules on liver surface and lymph nodes revealed the typical findings of the tuberculosis.
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증례 : Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome 1예 ( Case Reports : A Case of Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):295-302.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus syndrome, or Bean's syndrome is a very rare disease characterized by an association of 1) hemangioma cutis in which the nevi feel like rubber blebs; 2) hemangiomas of the digestive organs; 3) iron-deficiency anemia due to hemorrhage from the digestive tract. Sometimes, the bleeding is so severe and massive that the patient needs blood transfusions and/or emergency operations. We present a 29-year-old man with Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus syndrome. This patient was admitted to out hospital due to recently aggrevated dizziness and intermittent rectal bleeding. Multiple bluish tumors were noted on the palm, sole and glans penis. Laboratory examination revealed severe iron-deficiency anemia. Barium studies revealed multiple polypoid masses in the stomach, small bowel and colorectum. On esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy, three or four dozens of hemangiomas with variable size and shape were noted in the stomach, duodenum at or around the ampulla of Vater and colorectum. This patient was of particular interest because rectal bleeding occurred from rectal lesion which protruded out of anus and caused bleeding during defecation, and which showed as a 2.0 cm Yamada type III polypoid lesion. Endoscopic ultrasonography confirmed us that this lesion was confined to the mucosa and submucosa without extension into muscle layer. Endoscopic polypectomy of this lesion was performed because which considered as the main focus of current rectal bleeding. He was discharged without any complication and 4 months later, he was well without rectal bleeding and his hemoglobin level increased upto 13.5 g/dl. To our knowledge, this is the first . case of Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus syndrome in Korea.
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증례 : 내시경하 조직검사상 진단된 직장내 자궁내막증 1예 ( Case Reports : A Case of Rectal Endometriosis Which is Confirmed Colonoscopic Biopsy )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):303-309.   Published online November 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
Endometriosis of the rectum is unusual condition, since it represents an invasion of previously normal bowel by hormone-dependent nonmalignant cell from uterus of the same patient. It is estimated that the incidence of endometriosis is about 8-15% of reproductive women, of whom 3-34% show intestinal invasion of rectosigmoid colon, appendix, ileum, and cecum in order of decreasing frequency. Symptoms related bowel involvement may vary from none to complete intestinal obstruction. Because the mucosa is involved infrequently there is rarely rectal bleeding. X-ray and sigmoidoscopic studies are usually negative. It was not reported that colonic endometriosis was confirmed by endoscopic biopsy. Recently we experienced a case of rectal endometriosis which presented itself as a cyclic rectal bleeding with abdominal pain and diagnosed by colonoscopic biopsy.
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월례집담회 : Gardner 증후군 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):313-317.   Published online November 30, 1994
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제38회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : 점액성 췌관확장증
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):324-325.   Published online November 30, 1994
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제38회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : 골수 이식후 발생한 Veno - Occlusive Disease ( VOD )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):324-324.   Published online November 30, 1994
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제38회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : 간 실질내 원발성 종괴를 동반하지 않은 간외 담관의 간세포암
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):325-326.   Published online November 30, 1994
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제38회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : 직장내 자궁내막 증식증
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):326-327.   Published online November 30, 1994
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제38회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : Segmental Non-familial Colonic Polyposis 1예
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):327-328.   Published online November 30, 1994
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제38회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : Periappendiceal Abscess with Retention Mucocele
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):327-327.   Published online November 30, 1994
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제38회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : Tb Mediastinitis with Esophageal Fistula
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):328-329.   Published online November 30, 1994
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제38회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : Malignant Lymphoma , Diffuse Small Cleaved Cell MALToma of Stomach , Stage IE
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):329-330.   Published online November 30, 1994
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제38회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : 위 낭종성 림프관종
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):329-329.   Published online November 30, 1994
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제38회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : 표층 확대형 조기 위암 ( Superficial Spreading Type EGC )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):331-332.   Published online November 30, 1994
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제38회 대한소화기내시경학회 학술대회 / 구연 : Echinostomiasis with Chronic Active Gastritis
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1995;15(2):331-331.   Published online November 30, 1994
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