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Volume 19(4); August 1999
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위나 직장으로 미입된 EsophaCoil TM 배액관의 새로운 내시경적 제거술에 대한 고찰 ( Clicical Evaluation of a Novel Method for Endoscopic Removal of an EsophaCoil TM Stent which Migrated into the Stomach and Rectum )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):531-536.   Published online November 30, 1998
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/Aims: The coiled stent is designed to allow removal in the event that stent malposition or migration occurs in patients with an inoperable malignant esophageal obstruction. There is limited published material on the EsophaCoilTM, especially with regard to its removability. A novel method for endoscopic removal of migrated EsophaCoilTM prosthesis is herein described. Methods: Seven instances of migration occurred in 19 patients who had undergone coiled stent placement for carcinoma of the distal esophagus or gastric cardia. The stents had migrated into the stomach in 6 cases and the stent was at the rectosigmoid junction in 1 patient. The migrated stents were removed endoscopically using a conventional method in 3 cases, and the Song's stent introducer with a metal tip and overtube under fluoroscopic guidance, in the remaining 4 patients. Results: Using the new endoscopic removal technique, migrated stents were successfully removed in 4 patients after conventional methods failed. There were no complications. Conclusions: An EsophaCoilTM stent, migrating into the stomach or rectum, could be removed easily by this new method using the overtube and Song's stent introducer. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 531∼536, 1999)
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Dieulafoy 병변 출혈에서의 내시경적 결찰술 ( Endoscopic Band Ligation in Bleeding Dieulafoy's Lesions )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):537-544.   Published online November 30, 1998
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/Aims: The Dieulafoy's lesion is an unusual cause of massive gastrointestinal bleeding resulting from the erosion of an abnormally large submucosal artery. Surgical intervention was believed to be the best treatment in the past, but recently improvement of endoscopic techniques has made effective hemostasis possible in most cases of Dieulafoy's lesions. Therapeutic endoscopic hemostasis includes sclerotherapy, electrocauterization, laser coagulotherapy, clipping band ligation. The effectiveness of the endoscopic band ligation was evaluated in bleeding Dieulafoy's lesions. Methods: Clinical characteristics, initial endoscopic findings, and effectiveness of band ligation in Dieulafoy's lesions were all analyzed. Results: 1) The patients were 8 males and 1 female, and the mean age was 56.2 years. 2) The chief complaints were melena and hematemesis, and 2 cases had histories of recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding. 3) The diagnosis of Dieulafoy's lesion was possible in 7 of 9 patients (78%) at the initial endoscopy. 4) The lesions were mostly located in the fundus and the body, characterized mainly by protruding vessels in shallow erosion areas. 5) The initial band ligation was possible with successful hemostasis, but additional sclerotherapy was necessary in two cases. There were no complications related to the procedure, except a case of early band detachment. Conclusions: The Dieulafoy's lesion requires careful endoscopic observation for diagnosis, and endoscopic band ligation was an effective therapeutic option for bleeding Dieulafoy's lesions. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 537∼544, 1999)
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폐쇄성 담도계 질환에 동반된 위, 십이지장의 병변 ( Gastroduodenal Lesion Accompanied in Obstructive Biliary Disease )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):545-549.   Published online November 30, 1998
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/Aims: Various gastric and duodenal lesions with gastrofiberscopy were observed in patients with obstructive biliary disease. Methods: A clinical analysis of the endoscopic findings was carried out on 88 patients with obstructive biliary disease, from February 1994 to January 1998, in the department of Internal Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital. Results: 1) In the 88 patients, sex distribution showed predominance in the males (47/41) and most of the cases involved those in their 60's. 2) The obstructive biliary diseases were included, common bile duct stones (53.4%), common bile duct cancer (18.2%), pancreatic cancer (18.2%), Klatskin tumor (4.5%) and common hepatic duct cancer (3.4%). 3) The gastroduodenal lesions involved in the obstructive biliary diseases were, erosive gastritis (22.7%), duodenal ulcer (8.0%), gastric ulcer (5.7%), and acute duodenitis (3.4%) in orders. Conclusions: Significant upper gastrointestinal lesions were found in obstructive biliary disease. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 545∼549, 1999)
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한국인의 위암조직에서 Helicobacter pylori CagA 유전자의 역할 (The Role of the Helicobacter pylori CagA Gene in Gastric Cancer Tissue of Koreans )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):550-556.   Published online November 30, 1998
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Bachground/Aims: To further understand the relationship between the cagA gene and gastric cancer, the positive rates of the cagA gene in cancer and non-cancer tissues were investigated separately in patients with gastric cancer. Methods: The cagA gene was detected by PCR and the ureC gene was analyzed as a positive control for the presence of Helicobacter pylori. Each of two endoscopic biopsies were obtained from cancer and non-cancer tissues of 41 patients with gastric cancer. Results: 1) The positive rate of the cagA gene in cancer tissues was 29.3% (12/41), which was significantly lower than that in non-cancer tissues (63.4%). 2) Twelve (29.3%) out of 41 were positive for the cagA gene in both cancer and non-cancer tissues, 14 were positive in only non-cancer tissues, none were positive in only cancer tissues, and 15 (36.6%) were negative in both sites. 3) The ureC gene was negative in cancer tissue in 12 (85.7%) among 14 cases who were cagA gene negative in the cancer tissue but positive in the non-cancer tissue. 4) There was no difference in the positive rate of the cagA gene according to age, stage, site, and pathologic cell type. Conclusions: These findings indicate that the positive rate of the cagA gene in cancer tissue was lower than that in non-cancer tissues and this might be related to a low infection rate of H. pylori in cancer tissue rather than the presence of cagA negative H. pylori in cancer tissues. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 550∼556, 1999)
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위십이지장 질환자의 치태에서의 Helicobacter pylori 배양 ( Helicobacter pylori Culture in Dental Plaque of Gastroduodenal Disease Patients )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):557-566.   Published online November 30, 1998
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/Aims: The major mode of transmission of Helicobacter pylori is still uncertain. To investigate whether the oral cavity is a potential reservoir, dental plaques were cultured from patients with dyspeptic symptoms who underwent endoscopy. Methods: Rapid urease test (CLO test), Giemsa stain, and culture were performed in 39 gastroscopic biopsy specimens from patients with peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis or gastric cancer. Ten gastric mucosal biopsy specimens and 39 dental plaque specimens were innoculated onto 5% sheep blood agar. Results: Twenty patients (51%) were found to be H. pylori positive on antral histology or rapid urease test. Among ten patients, 8 patients (80%) were cultured for H. pylori from antral biopsies. However H. pylori was not isolated from any dental plaque regardless of their infective status and their oral hygiene or gingival status. Conclusions: We failed to isolate H. pylori from dental plaques in a group of dyspeptic patients with H. pylori-associated gastroduodenal disease. The findings strongly suggest that dental plaque is not an important reservoir of H. pylori and probably not a significant factor in the mode of transmission of H. pylori. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 557∼566, 1999)
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대장내시경검사 시 내시경 삽입 시간에 영향을 미치는 인자 ( Factors Affecting Insertion Time during Colonoscopy )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):567-573.   Published online November 30, 1998
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/Aims: The goal of this study was to examine whether certain variables are associated with insertion time during colonoscopy. Methods: A total of 703 consecutive subjects underwent colonoscopy by a single endoscopist from April of 1998 to August of 1998. The insertion time during colonoscopy was checked and the factors that may affect insertion time were analyzed. Results: The indications for colonoscopy were bowel habit change (34.8%), the diagnosis of and follow up for colonic neoplastic disease (31.6%), abdominal pain (22.8%), thin stool caliber (19.2%), hematochezia (16.1%), routine examination (10.7%), inflammatory bowel disease (9.4%), tenesmus (8.8%) and a family history of colonic disease (3.1%). Of 703 subjects, complete colonoscopy was possible in 678 (96.4%). Reasons for incomplete insertion included inadequate bowel cleaning (n=11), pain (n=6), a history of operations (n=3), and others (n=5). Therefore, the adjusted completion rate was 97.9% (678/692). The mean insertion time in complete colonoscopy was 7.07 4.26 min (range; 2∼35 min). Multivariable analysis revealed that inadequacy of bowel preparation was significantly associated with prolonged (>10 min) insertion time (p=0.005), whereas the history of colorectal resection was inversely associated with prolonged insertion time (p=0.010). Conclusions: Among the factors affecting insertion time during colonoscopy, cleanness of the bowels is the only correctable factor. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 567∼573, 1999)
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대장암 주변에서 관찰되는 백색반점의 병리조직학적 특성과 임상적 의의 ( Histopathological Features and the Clinical Significance of White Spots around Colon Cancer )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):574-580.   Published online November 30, 1998
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/Aims: To investigate the difference between colorectal adenocarcinomas with white spots (foamy cells) and those without white spots, clinically and histopathologically, were examined 37 cases of colorectal adenocarcinomas were classified in this study. Methods: Two groups: those with white spots and those without. In each case, evidence of lymph node and liver metastasis was sought. Immunoreactive staining for macrophage was performed. Results: Increased incidence of exophytic tumors was found (73%, p=0.028) in the group with white spots. The incidences of lymph node metastasis were 33% vs. 45% between the group with white spots and the group of without, but the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions: These results suggested that foamy cells might have a beneficial role in colorectal cancer, although they were not statistically significant. Therefore, further prospective study be warranted. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 574∼577, 1999)
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내시경적 유두괄약근 절개술을 이용한 간외담관결석 제거 후 결석 재발에 영향을 미치는 인자 ( Factor Influencing the Recurrence of CBD Stones after an Endoscopic Sphincteromy )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):581-587.   Published online November 30, 1998
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/Aims: Long term results of an endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) have still been poorly estimated. The aim of this study was to assess late complications of EST. Methods: The rate of late complications were retrospectively evaluated in with 91 patients (mean age, 59.1 years; range, 28∼86 years; M:F, 44:47), who underwent EST for choledocholithiasis. Results: Forty six patients (50.5%) had their gallbladder in situ, and 45 patients (49.5%) underwent cholecystectomy. Early complications (<30 days) such as hemorrhage, pancreatitis, and perforation occurred in 7 patients (7.7%). During a mean period of 53.4 months (range, 24∼134 months), 26 patients (28.0%) developed late complications, including a recurrence of CBD stones in 20 patients (22.0%) (8-gallbladder in situ, 12-cholecystectomized). An univariate analysis of risk factors for stone recurrence revealed dilated ducts, stone sizes, and stone numbers which were not related with stone recurrence. The history of choledocholithotomy with cholecystectomy was significantly related to stone recurrence. Conclusions: After EST for bile duct stones, late complications occurred in a significant proportion of patients and it was determined that a history of choledocholithotomy with cholecystectomy was significantly correlated with stone recurrence. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 581∼587, 1999)
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간외 담관암에서 경유듀 조직생검과 담즙세포진 병합검사의 유용성 ( Combined Endoscopic Transpapillary Biopsy and Exfoliative Cytology for the Diagnosis of Bile Duct Cancer )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):588-596.   Published online November 30, 1998
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/Aims: In the management of patients with extrahepatic bile duct carcinoma, histologic diagnosis is crucial to determine therapeutic modalities, to predict their outcomes, and to avoid an unnecessary operation. Though various methods were developed, none of them yielded satisfactory results. A combination of those methods was reported to yield superior sensitivity and specificity to a single method. To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy, endoscopic transpapillary biopsy (ETPB) and exfoliative bile aspiration cytology (BAC) was performed in 40 patients with extrahepatic bile duct carcinoma. Methods: After visualization of the biliary tree and the lesion by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), ETPB (n=40) and BAC (n=28) was done in one session with or without endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) and the results of two methods were analyzed. Results: The final diagnoses were made by surgical pathology and by clinical follow-ups of more than a year. The locations of the 40 bile duct carcinomas were in the upper area in 25, the middle in 14 and the lower in 1. ETPB was performed in all patients and BAC in 28 patients. The overall sensitivity of the ETPB was 65.0% (26/40). According to the morphology and location, the sensitivity of ETPB was 65.6% (11/32) for sclerotic, 60.0% (3/5) for papillary, and 66.7% (2/3) for the protruding type, and 68.0% (17/25) for the upper bile duct lesion, 64.3% (9/14) for the middle, and 0% (0/1) for the lower. The overall sensitivity of the BAC was 71.4% (20/28). According to the morphology and location, the sensitivity of BAC was 80.0% (16/20) for sclerotic, 20% (1/5) for papillary, and 100% (3/3) for the protruding type, and 82.4% (14/17) for the upper bile duct lesion and 54.5% (6/11) for the middle bile duct lesion. When the two tests were combined, the sensitivity rose to 96.4% (27/28). Conclusions: A combination of ETPB and BAC is useful in making a histologic diagnosis in patients with bile duct carcinoma. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 588∼596, 1999)
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식도 아니사키스증 1예 ( A Case of Esophageal Anisakiasis )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):597-600.   Published online November 30, 1998
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Anisakis is an accidental parasitic infection caused by the larvae of marine mammals. An individual becomes infected with a larval form of the nematode Anisakis by consuming raw or undercooked fish containing the parasite. Generally, the clincal symptoms are characterized by severe cramping abdomianl pain, nausea, vomiting, and an epigastric full sensation. A case was recently experienced by a patient who suffered acute esophageal anisakiasis, and had a history of eating raw sea fish. His symptoms included substernal chest pain and odynophagia. Early endoscopic examination revealed a whitish linear worm in the mid-esophagus, which was removed by biopsy forceps. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 597∼600, 1999)
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EEMR 관을 이용한 식도 과립세포종의 제거 1예 (A Case of an Esophageal Granular Cell Tumor Resected with an EEMR Tube )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):601-605.   Published online November 30, 1998
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The granular cell tumor was first described in 1926. Recently, it has been suggested that the tumor is Schwann cell in origin, and this notion has been supported by electron microscopic studies and immunohistochemistry of the S-100 protein. The most frequently involved organs include the tongue, skin, breast, and digestive tract. The esophagus is rarely involved. The treatment of choice for an esophageal granular cell tumor is still controversial. The traditional treatment has been surgical excision, but new therapeutic options, including laser surgery, diathermy loop, and multiple biopsies have recently been tried. An endoscopic esophageal mucosal resection (EEMR) tube, originally designed for resection of early esophageal cancer, is widely used nowadays. A case of a granular cell tumor of the esophagus, which was successfully removed by an EEMR tube, is herein reported. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 601∼605, 1999)
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위 점막하 종양으로 발현된 동정맥 기형 1예 ( A Case of Arteriovenous Malformation Presented as a Submucosal Tumor )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):606-612.   Published online November 30, 1998
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Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are an unusual cause of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. But most GI AVM can occur with GI bleeding. When conventional diagnostic studies have failed to reveal the source of GI bleeding, AVM have been one of the most common causes. But the incidence of AVM presented as bleeding of a gastric submucosal tumor is very low. A case of gastric submucosal tumor was experienced and reported as an AVM. This case is herein discussed with review of corresponding literature. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 606∼610, 1999)
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VP-16으로 성공적으로 치료된 위 Kaposi 육종 1예 ( A Case of Gastric Kaposi's Sarcoma Successfully Treated with VP-16 )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):613-617.   Published online November 30, 1998
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The skin is an uncommon site of distant metastasis from any internal malignancy, and the incidence of metastatic skin lesions as the first symptom of disease is only 0.8% in patients with all systemic malignancies. Furthermore, cutaneous metastasis from adenocarcinoma of the stomach has been found to be extremely rare. A 35-year-old female patient was admitted due to multiple cutaneous nodules in her chest, abdomen, and back. A gastroendoscopic examination and biopsy was made according to the results of skin pathologic findings. Stomach and skin biopsy results revealed a signet ring cell type of adenocarcinoma. A case of gastric adenocarcinoma in which metastatic skin nodules appeared as the first sign of disease, is here in reported with a review of related literature. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 618∼622, 1999)
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피부전이로 나타난 위선암종 1예 ( A Case of Gastric Adenocarcinoma Appearing as Skin Metastasis )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):618-624.   Published online November 30, 1998
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The Heterotopic pancreas is defined as the presence of pancreatic tissue lacking anatomical and vascular continuity with the main body of pancreas. Heterotopic pancreas or ectopic pancreas is found in 0.55% to 13.7% of autopsy series and also found one in approximately every 500 operations in abdominal surgery. The most common sites are the antrum of stomach, duodenum, and proximal jejunum. Most masses of heterotopic pancreas in stomach were encountered in the distal one third, usually within 5 or 6 cm of pylorus. We have recently experienced a case of hetertopic pancreas that was located in fundus which is not the usual site. Gastrofiberscopy revealed a 2 2.5 cm sized protruding mass on the fundus. There was apperared an umbilical shaped dimple on the center with a relatively normal mucosa. Endoscopic ultrasonography revealed a 2.5 cm sized hypoechoic mass of fundus, originating from submucosal and muscular layer. It was considered a submucosal tumor, such as leiomyoma, and subsequently wedge resection was performed. Histologic finding showed pancreatic acni. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 625∼628, 1999)
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위 기저부의 이소성 췌장 1예 (A Case of Heterotopic Pancreas on the Fundus of Stomach by Gastrofiberscopy )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):625-628.   Published online November 30, 1998
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Injection of the tissue adhesive Histoacryl (N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate, enbucrilate) has been more effective than conventional sclerosants in the treatment of active upper G-I bleeding. Histoacryl is an effective sclerosant that is polymerized immediately after contact with blood, and has been used for the treatment of bleeding gastric and esophageal varices. We present here a case of infarction of the caudate lobe that developed after an injection of a Histoacryl -Lipiodol mixture for the hemostasis of duodenal ulcer bleeding. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 629∼633, 1999)
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십이지장 궤양 출혈에서 Histoacryl R 주입 후 발생한 간 미상엽 경색 1예 ( A Case of Liver Infarction after a Histoacryl R Injection for Duodenal Ulcer Bleeding )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):629-633.   Published online November 30, 1998
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We described a 22-month-old girl, who suffered from a gereralized edema and intermittent diarrhea for 1 month. Intestinal lymphangiectasia was confirmed by endoscopic biopsy. Endoscopic examination revealed showed the characteristic appearance of tiny white flakes scattered in the duodenum, which a histological examination confirmed to be dilated lymph vessels. The other findings from laboratory examinations included lymphopenia, hypoproteinemia, hypogammaglobulinemia and increased fecal a1-antitrypsin clearance. Treatment consisting of a low-fat diet and MCT supplementation was successful. The therapy has resulted in the disappearance of duodenal lesions previously observed endoscopically. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 634∼639, 1999)
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원발성 장림프관 확장증 1예 ( A Case of Primary Intestinal Lymphangiectasia )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):634-642.   Published online November 30, 1998
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The term enterolith refers to concretions formed within the gastrointestinal tract. Enteroliths are thought to result from stasis and are usually found proximal to an area of stricture or within diverticulum. Meckel's diverticulum occurs in 1% to 3% of the population at autopsy and is the most common congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract. Common complications of Meckel's diverticulum include hemorrhage, infection, inflammation, and intussusception. However, enterolith formation in a Meckel's diverticulum, which referred to as Meckel's enterolith, is rare. A 58-year-old female who experienced constipation and low abdominal pain for 20 years, was admitted due to severe low abdominal pain for 3 days. A 3 2 cm sized, lozenge-shaped radiopaque stone with peripheral dense calcification and radiolucent center, located between two areas of stricture in the distal ileum, was observed in abdominal radiograph, abdominal sonogram, small bowel study, and CT scan. Pathologic findings after surgery reveal an enterolith in Meckel's diverticulum without ectopic gastric mucosa. The case of Meckel's enterolith is herein reported. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 643∼649, 1999)
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메켈씨 장석(Meckel's Enterolith) 1예 ( A Case of Meckel's Enterolith )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):643-651.   Published online November 30, 1998
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Most intussusceptions occur in children under 1 year of age whereas 5%∼10% occurs in adults. Although intussusception has an acute occurrence in children, symptoms in adults may be subacute or chronic, and the diagnosis is often delayed. In contrast to adults, intussusception in children is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction, and one of the most frequent causes of surgical emergencies. While idiopathic cases account for more than 90% of those seen in children, many cases in adults are generally related to neoplasm. However, intussusception due to a primary malignant lymphoma of the small intestine is a rare clinical condition. There is little information on the role of colonoscopy in colonic intussusception. Two cases are herein reported, of malignant lymphoma in the ileocecal region causing intussusceptions in which the diagnosis and reduction of intussusception were made by colonoscopy. Colonoscopy plays a useful role in the diagnosis and management of intussusception. The clinical, radiographic, endoscopic, and pathologic findings are described with brief reviews of related literature. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 650∼655, 1999)
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말단회장의 악성림프종에 의한 장중첩증 2예: 대장내시경을 통한 장중첩증의 진단 및 도수정복 ( Two Cases of Malignant Lymphomas in the Terminal Ileum Causing Intussusception: Diagnosis and Reduction of Intussusception by Colonoscopy )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):650-656.   Published online November 30, 1998
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Hydrogen peroxide has been used for various medical purposes and also recommended in the disinfection process for endoscopes. However, hydrogen peroxide as a cause of chemical colitis or disinfectant colitis has been infrequently reported. The endoscopic findings of hydrogen peroxide induced colitis revealed pseudomembranous-like enteritis such as white plaques, erythema, foamy liquid, patchy, granularity, and ulcerations, resulting from effervescence caused by the release of oxygen from the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. A 36 year-old single male, who had 30 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide inserted into his anus the day before due to sexual reasons, was hospitalized as a result of suffering from hematochezia, tenesmus, and lower abdominal pain. Colonoscopy revealed discrete or confluent white plaques adherent to the colonic mucosa, severe erythema on the surrounding mucosa, patchy granularity, and scattered ulcerations up to 28 cm from the anal verge. Pathologic finding revealed inflammatory cells infiltration, variable sized vacuoles, vascular congestion, hemorrhage, fibrin deposition and ulcerations with regenerating epithelium in the lamina propria, consistent with acute mucosal injury caused by hydrogen peroxide. A case of hydrogen peroxide induced colitis is herein reported. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 659∼663, 1999)
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과산화수소에 의해 유발된 대장염 1예 ( A Case of Hydrogen Peroxide Induced Colitis )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):659-667.   Published online November 30, 1998
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Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. Involvement of the gastrointestinal tract is seen in 3∼34% of patients affected by this condition. Although the commonest sites involved are the sigmoid colon and rectum, only 4 cases have been reported in Korea. The most frequent symptoms are lower abdominal and pelvic pain typically worsening at the time of menstruation. Bleeding per rectum is uncommon since the mucosa is rarely involved. Endoscopy has not been thought to be helpful in the evaluation of patients with suspected colonic endometriosis. However, endoscopy is often used as the first test in patients with rectal bleeding, excluding malignancy or other sources of bleeding. There are few reports of endoscopic documentation of colorectal endometriosis. A 26 year-old woman having a history of endometriosis with cyclic hematochezia and lower abdominal pain is herein reported. A flexible sigmoidoscopy revealed a protrusion of hyperemic mucosa with a surrounding fold formation on the rectum 8 cm above the anal verge. The subsequent biopsy of the lesion gave rise to a diagnosis of endometriosis. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 667∼670, 1999)
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직장 자궁내막증: 증례보고 및 국내문헌 고찰 ( Rectal Endometriosis: A Case Report of with a Clinical Analysis of Other Cases Reported in Related Korean Literature )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):667-674.   Published online November 30, 1998
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Hemobilia is defined as a hemorrhage in the biliary tract and is most commonly associated with accidental or iatrogenic trauma. A case is herein reported of hemobilia developed in a hepatic artery aneurysm after biliary stenting was performed in patient with cholangiocarcinoma. A 63-year-old man was admitted with melena and had history of cholangiocarcinoma with an intraductal biliary stent. A hepatic artery angiography revealed two pseudoaneurysms at the common hepatic artery and right hepatic artery. Transarterial embolization with gelfoam was successfully received and hemobilia was not developed later. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 671∼675, 1999)
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담도내 스텐트 삽입 후 간동맥류에 의해 발생한 혈액담즙증 1예 ( A Case of Hemobilia Developed in a Hepatic Artery Aneurysm after Biliary Stenting )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1999;19(4):671-674.   Published online November 30, 1998
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A 60-year-old man with biliary ascariasis accompanied by choledocholithiasis and biliary pancreatitis, is herein reported. His chief complaints were epigastric pain, nausea, and vomiting. He had a past history of eating raw fish and vegetables. An endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) revealed multiple CBD stones and a live ascaris adult worm in the common bile duct which was not detected by an abdominal CT. The management of biliary obstruction caused by Ascaris lumbricoides has usually been surgical, but this report describes the endoscopic removal of the ascaris located in the common bile duct. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 19: 676∼680, 1999)
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