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Volume 9(1); June 1989
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식도에 발생한 과립구성 육종 1예 ( A Case of Granulocytic Sacoma in Esophagus )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):1-4.   Published online November 30, 1988
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Granulocytic sarcoma.(chloroma) is a localized tumor mass composed of immature cells of the granulocytic series infiltrating an extramedullary site. The tumor may involve anywhere in the body, especially orbit, bone, epidural space and lymph node, but there is no case involved the esophagus. In a 34-year-old male presented with sudden anset of dysphagia, esophagoscopic examination revealed concentric narrowing of the esophageal lumen wirith alight granular mucosa in the midesophagus, which hiatologically proved to b a granulocytic sarcoma. Peripheral blood and bone marrow aspiration smears showed blastic crisis of chronic myelocytic leukemia. After the systemic chemotherapy, dysphagia and mid-esophageal luminal narrowing disappeared completely.
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위황색종 - 42예 보고 - ( Gastric Xanthoma )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):5-9.   Published online November 30, 1988
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Authors analysed 42 cases of gastric xanthoma, confirmed by gatroscopic biopsy, at Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, College of Medicine, Hallym University from March 1986 to December 1988 The results were as follows; 1) The prevalence of gastric xanthome was 0.9% in 7699 consecutive gastroacopies. 2) The prevalence of gastric xanthoma increased with age. 3) The frequent locations of gastric xanthoma were the antrum (56%) and the lower bady (29%). 4) The most frequent gastroduodenal lesion associated with gastric xanthoma was chronic superficial gastritis (77%). 5) The average level of cholosterol was 169.9 mg/dl, triglyceride was 102.6 mg/dl, and no conelation existed between the serum cholesterol or triglyceride level and the presence of gastric xanthoma.
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포르말린 음독에 의한 반흔성 수축위 ( A Case of Cicatricial Contracted Stomach Due to the Ingestion of Formalin )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):11-14.   Published online November 30, 1988
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Formaldehyde is a colorless irritating gas of pungent odor, which is used as a disinfectant, antiseptic, deodorant, tissue fixative and embalming fluid, It is used in the formation of resins, alcohols and acids, and in permanent press processes in the textile industry. If formaldehyde is swallowed, severe abdominal pain and vomiting is immediately noted. Corrosive gastritis can follow with diffuse ulceration, fibrosis and contracture of the stomach, resembling linitis plastica, which may be severe enough to require gastrectomy. We report a case of cicatricial contracted stomach due to the ingestion of formalin.
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악성화한 위 혼합유두관상선종 1예 ( A Case of Tubulovillous Adenoma of the Stomach with Carcinomatous Change )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):15-24.   Published online November 30, 1988
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Tubulovillous adenoma of the stomach is an intermediate between tubular and villous adenoma, and may exhibit both growth patterns. Pedunculated tubulovillous adenomas behave clinically and pathologically like tubular adenoma and sessile tubulovillious adenomas tend to behave like villous adenoma., stamach is unusual site of involvement. Tubulovillous adenoma of the stomach has a great tendency to undergo malignant change. Malignant Change are correlated with polyp size and the proportion of villous componancy. And those in the stomach are highly assoeiated with an independent gastric carcinoma. Endoscopic biopsy may confirm the diagnosis but may give false positive results for malignant neoplasm and therefore should not delay, treatment. After diagnosis, surgical resection is mandatory and subsequent radiological or endoscopic follow-up is essential. Recently We experienced a 46-year-old female patient whio had a large tubulovillous adenoma of the stomach with careinomatous change and reviewed this case with references.
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I형 조기위암 수술후 잔존 위에 발생한 위암 1예 ( Stomach Cancer Arising from Remmnant Stomach 14 Years after Gastrectomy of EGC Type I ( m ) )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):25-27.   Published online November 30, 1988
AbstractAbstract PDF
Recently therapeutic efficacy of stomach cancer was greatly improved due to early diagnosis and irnproved diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Especially in early gastric cancer, 5 year survival rate is near 100%. Recarrence of early gastric cancer after curative surgery is rarely reported. Recently authors experienced one case of recurrent stomach cancer arising from remmnant stomach 14 years after gastrectomy of EGC type I(m), so we reports it here with review of literatures.
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대량 출혈을 일으킨 원발성 위 Carcinoid 종양 1예 ( A Case of Gastric Carcinoid Tumor with Massive Bleeding )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):29-32.   Published online November 30, 1988
AbstractAbstract PDF
Carcinoid tumor of stomach continue to interest clinician because of the rarity and difficulty in diagnosis clioically with infrequent classical carcinoid syndrome. Recently, we experienced a case of gastric carcinoid with hemetemesis and melena. We feel that this case is an instructive example of the fascinating variety of entities which can result in massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. So we present this case with s review of relevant literatures.
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Menetrier's Disease 1예 보고 ( One Case of Menetrier's Disease )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):33-38.   Published online November 30, 1988
AbstractAbstract PDF
Menetrier's disease is a rare disease characterized by the presence of large rugal folds involving part or all of the stomach. Patients with hypertrophic gastropathy often have distressing abdominal symptoms, weight loss and edema due to gastric protein loss. The 48-year-old male patient was admitted to the Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital with cheif complaints of indigestion and epigastric pain. The diagnosis of Menetriers disease is established by radiologic, endoscopic, and pathologic examination. He was treated with soft diet, antacid, H2- receptor antagonist, and IV albumin. We report a case of Menetriers disease with brief review of literatures.
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조기위암을 동반한 원발성 십이지장 구부선암 1예 ( A Case of Primary Duodenal Bulb Carcinoma Combined with Early Gastric Cancer )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):39-42.   Published online November 30, 1988
AbstractAbstract PDF
The occurence of multiple primary malignant tumor is cansidered infrequent and the primary adenocarcinoma of the duodenal bulb is a rare conditian. The autopsy incidence of duodenal adenocarcinoma is between 0.019 and 0.5%. The first documented case of duodenal carcinoma was described by Hamburger in 1746. Increased awareness of the condition, improvement in diagnostic technics and a more aggressive surgical approach have changed this disease from a postmortem curiosity to a condition that can be treated with satisfactory results. There are several reports on the high incidence of second additinoal cancer in patients with small intestinal cancer. Recently, we have experienced a case of primary duodenal bulb adenocarcinoma with early gastric cancer in a 68 year old male patient with complaints of epigastric pain, diarrhea and body weight loss. So we report the case of primary duodenal bulb adenocarcinoma combined with early gastric cancer with a brief review of literature.
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빈혈과 장중첩증을 동반한 Peutz - Jeghers 증후군 1예 보고 ( A Case Report of Peutz - Jeghers' Syndrome Associated Anemia and Intussusception )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):43-47.   Published online November 30, 1988
AbstractAbstract PDF
The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome has three cardinal features: gastrointestinal polypasis, mucocutaneous piginentation and autosomal dominant heredity. This syndrome is ciinically important because of the complication caused by the gastrointestinal ployp, leading to abdominal pain, gastrointestinal bleeding and intussusception. We experienced a case of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome who complained of dizziness, vague abdominal pain, melanin pigmentations of the lips, oral mucosa and digits and reported with the review of the literature.
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담낭관 증후군
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):49-55.   Published online November 30, 1988
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The cystic duct syndrome is defined as noncalculous partial mechanical obstruction of the cystic duct with painful gallbladder contraction. In this condition, the gallbladder is able to fill by slow entry of bile from the common hepatic duct, however ejection of bile from the gallbladder is prohibited by partial obstruction of the cystic duct. The main symptom of the cystic duct syndrome is postprandial right upper abdominal pain which oecasionally radiates to back and right shaulder. This sayndrome can be diagnosed by CCK-biliary drainage, CCK-cholecystogram, CCK-cholescintigraphy and ERCP. Since the causes are mechanical, patients with the cyetic duct syndrome are best treated surgically by means of cholecystectomy. We had experienced 2 cases of cystic duct syndrome whose ERCP finding and 24hour delayed film disclosed typical findings. The cholecystectomy was performed and the gross specimen showed narrowed lumen or fibrosis of cystic duct, The symptoms were subsided after cholecystectomy.
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담낭축농을 동반한 담낭관 미세 선암 1예 ( A Case of Occult Adenocarcinoma of Cystic Duct Associated with GB Empyema )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):57-59.   Published online November 30, 1988
AbstractAbstract PDF
A case of adenocarcinoma of cystic duct associated with GB empyema is presented. A 72 year old male was admitted to Kwangju Christian hospital because of abdominal pain in right upper quadrant for 4 days. He underwent explolaparotomy under the impression of GB empyema or GB cancer. For seeking causative factor of GB empyema, serial sections of cystic duct and mapping were performed. We can find adenocarcinoma of cystic duct in the specimen removed at cholecystectomy. The criteria for disgnosis of cystie duct carcinoma which was outlined by Farrar. These criteria are; 1) The growth must be restricted to the cystic duct, 2) There is no neoplastic process in the gall bladder, hepatic and common bile duct. 3) Histopathological examination must be comfirm carcinoma. Here we report a case of adenocarcinoma of cystic duct associated with GB empyema with brief review of Literature.
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췌관 합류 불완전 1예 ( One Case of Pancreas Divisum )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):61-65.   Published online November 30, 1988
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The pancreas is formed from dorsal and ventral parts which normally fuse in the second month of intrauterine life. Pancreas divisum occurs when the ventral and dorsal elements fail to fuse; as a result, the main bulk of the pancreas drains through the accessory papilla. It is a congenital variait of pancreatic ductal fusion and drainage anomalies. Since the accessoy papilla and Santorinis duct are too all to accept total pancreatic secretion, obstructive pain and pancreatitis may result. Between March 1983 and February 1988, 631 patients underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) in our hospital. We experiericed one case of pancreas divisum. And then, we report it with brief review of literatures.
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회맹장에 다발성 궤양을 동반한 Behcet 씨병 1예 ( A Case of Behcet's Disease with Multiple Ileocecal Ulcerations )
Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 1989;9(1):67-74.   Published online November 30, 1988
AbstractAbstract PDF
Behcet's disease is a chronic inflammatory symptom complex consisting of recurrent aphthous sttomatitis, nonspectific ulcerative lesions of the genital area, and uveitis. Skin, cardiovascular, arthritic, central nerve system and gastrointestinal involvement have been reported in association with the major triad. Intestinal involvement in Behcets disease most commonly affects the ileocecal region as ulceration. Intestinal ulcers give rise to abdominal pain, perforation, melena, and tumor in order of frequency. A 36-year-old female patient was addmitted to this hospital because of right upper quadrent abdominal pain and mass. There was a history of recurrent aphthous stomatitis and vaginal ulcers. Barium enema showed that the terminal ileum was irregularly indented with multiple nodular filling defects and the proximal ascending colon around ileocecal valve had several round shaped filling defects. Colonoscopy showed that the terminal ileum was irregularly marginated geographic ulcer, surrounded with hyperemic edematous mucosa, extended to ileoeecal valve. And the proximal ascending colon around ileocecal valve revealed several discreted whitish patched ulcers with apparently normal intervening mucosa. She was operated with right hemicolectomy and end to end ileotransverse colostomy under the impression of inttinal-Behcets disease. About 1 year after operation, right upper quardrent abdominal pain was reappeared. Colonoscopy was performed and revealed a recurred ulcer at anastomotic site. We report a case of Behcet's disease with multiple ileocecal ulcers, recurred after operation.
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