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Endoscopic Electrosurgery in Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices
Myong Ki Baeg, Sang-Woo Kim, Sun-Hye Ko, Yoon Bum Lee, Seawon Hwang, Bong-Woo Lee, Hye Jin Choi, Jae Myung Park, In-Seok Lee, Yong-Seog Oh, Myung-Gyu Choi
Clin Endosc 2016;49(2):176-181.   Published online February 11, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
/Aims: Patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) undergoing endoscopic electrosurgery (EE) are at a risk of electromagnetic interference (EMI). We aimed to analyze the effects of EE in CIED patients.
Patients with CIED who underwent EE procedures such as snare polypectomy, endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) were retrospectively analyzed. Postprocedural symptoms as well as demographic and outpatient follow-up data were reviewed through medical records. Electrical data, including preprocedural and postprocedural arrhythmia records, were reviewed through pacemaker interrogation, 24-hour Holter monitoring, or electrocardiogram.
Fifty-nine procedures in 49 patients were analyzed. Fifty procedures were performed in 43 patients with a pacemaker, and nine were performed in six patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. There were one gastric and 44 colon snare polypectomies, five gastric and one colon ESDs, and eight ERCPs with EST. Fifty-five cases of electrical follow-up were noted, with two postprocedural changes not caused by EE. Thirty-one pacemaker interrogations had procedure recordings, with two cases of asymptomatic tachycardia. All patients were asymptomatic with no adverse events.
Our study reports no adverse events from EE in patients with CIED, suggesting that this procedure is safe. However, because of the possibility of EMI, recommendations on EE should be followed.


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    Europace.2022; 24(9): 1512.     CrossRef
  • Electromagnetic interference on cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators during endoscopy as reported to the US Federal Drug Administration
    Jason M. Samuels, Douglas M. Overbey, Krzysztof J. Wikiel, Teresa S. Jones, Thomas N. Robinson, Edward L. Jones
    Surgical Endoscopy.2021; 35(7): 3796.     CrossRef

    Gastroenterology Nursing.2021; 44(6): 467.     CrossRef
  • Practice Advisory for the Perioperative Management of Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter–Defibrillators 2020

    Anesthesiology.2020; 132(2): 225.     CrossRef
  • Safety and outcomes of noncardiac surgery in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices
    Bahman Akhondi, Mohammadmostafa Ansari-Ramandi, Mona Heidarali, Farzad Kamali, Majid Haghjoo
    Research in Cardiovascular Medicine.2019; 8(3): 76.     CrossRef
  • Critical analysis of guidelines for providing sedation to patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures
    Basavana Goudra, PreetMohinder Singh
    Anesthesia: Essays and Researches.2019; 13(4): 601.     CrossRef
  • Is It Safe to Perform Therapeutic Endoscopic Procedures in Patients with Implanted Electronic Cardiac Devices?
    Eun Young Kim
    Clinical Endoscopy.2016; 49(2): 104.     CrossRef
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Survey of Endoscope Reprocessing in Korea
Jeong Bae Park, Jae Nam Yang, Yun Jeong Lim, Ja Seol Koo, Jae Young Jang, Sang Hoon Park, Su Jin Hong, Sang-Woo Kim, Hoon Jai Chun, Disinfection Management Committee of the Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Clin Endosc 2015;48(1):39-47.   Published online January 31, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

There is a growing emphasis on quality management in endoscope reprocessing. Previous surveys conducted in 2002 and 2004 were not practitioner-oriented. Therefore, this survey is significant for being the first to target actual participants in endoscope reprocessing in Korea.


This survey comprised 33 self-filled questions, and was personally delivered to nurses and nursing auxiliaries in the endoscopy departments of eight hospitals belonging to the society. The anonymous responses were collected after 1 week either by post or in person by committee members.


The survey included 100 participants. In the questionnaire addressing compliance rates with the reprocessing guideline, the majority (98.9%) had a high compliance rate compared to 27% of respondents in 2002 and 50% in 2004. The lowest rate of compliance with a reprocessing procedure was reported for transporting the contaminated endoscope in a sealed container. Automated endoscope reprocessors were available in all hospitals. Regarding reprocessing time, more than half of the subjects replied that reprocessing took more than 15 minutes (63.2%).


The quality management of endoscope reprocessing has improved as since the previous survey. A national survey expanded to include primary clinics is required to determine the true current status of endoscope reprocessing.


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  • Recommendations and guidelines for endoscope reprocessing: Current position statement of digestive endoscopic society of Taiwan
    Wei-Kuo Chang, Chen-Ling Peng, Yen-Wei Chen, Cheuk-Kay Sun, Chieh-Chang Chen, Tao-Chieh Liu, Yin-Yi Chu, I-Fang Tsai, Chen-Shuan Chung, Hsiao-Fen Lin, Fang-Yu Hsu, Wei-Chen Tai, Hsi-Chang Lee, Hsu-Heng Yen, E-Ming Wang, Shu-Hui Chen, Cheng-Hsin Chu, Ming-
    Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection.2024; 57(2): 211.     CrossRef
  • Endoscope Cleaning and Disinfection Guidelines for Primary Care Physicians
    Yoo-Bin Seo, Seung Hee Kim, Eon Sook Lee, Seung Jin Jung, Sang Keun Hahm
    Korean Journal of Family Practice.2024; 14(4): 165.     CrossRef
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    Shu‐Hui Chen, Theophile Liu, Huei‐Wen Lai, Hui‐Lan Chang, Hsu‐Heng Yen
    Advances in Digestive Medicine.2022; 9(2): 103.     CrossRef
  • A nationwide survey on the effectiveness of training on endoscope reprocessing within the national cancer screening program in Korea
    Hye Young Shin, Da Hun Jang, Jae Kwan Jun
    American Journal of Infection Control.2021; 49(8): 1031.     CrossRef
  • Accreditation program for gastrointestinal endoscopes reprocessing in Italy: An on-site survey
    Giancarlo Spinzi, Angelo Milano, Piero Brosolo, Paola Da Massa Carrara, Maurizio Labardi, Alberto Merighi, Luisa Riccardi, Francesco Torresan, Maurizio Capelli
    Endoscopy International Open.2021; 09(11): E1627.     CrossRef
  • Education and Training Guidelines for the Board of the Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
    Hee Seok Moon, Eun Kwang Choi, Ji Hyun Seo, Jeong Seop Moon, Ho June Song, Kyoung Oh Kim, Jong Jin Hyun, Sung Kwan Shin, Beom Jae Lee, Sang Heon Lee
    Clinical Endoscopy.2017; 50(4): 345.     CrossRef
  • Feedback Survey of the Effect, Burden, and Cost of the National Endoscopic Quality Assessment Program during the Past 5 Years in Korea
    Yu Kyung Cho, Jeong Seop Moon, Dong Su Han, Yong Chan Lee, Yeol Kim, Bo Young Park, Il-Kwun Chung, Jin-Oh Kim, Jong Pil Im, Jae Myung Cha, Hyun Gun Kim, Sang Kil Lee, Hang Lak Lee, Jae Young Jang, Eun Sun Kim, Yunho Jung, Chang Mo Moon
    Clinical Endoscopy.2016; 49(6): 542.     CrossRef
  • Adequacy of Reprocessing Gastrointestinal Endoscopes in Korea Hospitals
    YoungOk Kim, Jae Sim Jeong
    Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science.2016; 18(4): 288.     CrossRef
  • Role of Clinical Endoscopy in Emphasizing Endoscope Disinfection
    Ji Kon Ryu, Eun Young Kim, Kwang An Kwon, Il Ju Choi, Ki Baik Hahm
    Clinical Endoscopy.2015; 48(5): 351.     CrossRef
  • Current Status of Endoscope Reprocessing in Korea
    Young-Seok Cho
    Clinical Endoscopy.2015; 48(1): 1.     CrossRef
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A Review of Current Disinfectants for Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Reprocessing
Sanghoon Park, Jae Young Jang, Ja Seol Koo, Jeong Bae Park, Yun Jeong Lim, Su Jin Hong, Sang-Woo Kim, Hoon Jai Chun, Disinfection Management Committee, The Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Clin Endosc 2013;46(4):337-341.   Published online July 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Gastrointestinal endoscopy is gaining popularity for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. However, concerns over endoscope-related nosocomial infections are increasing, together with interest by the general public in safe and efficient endoscopy. For this reason, reprocessing the gastrointestinal endoscope is an important step for effective performance of endoscopy. Disinfectants are essential to the endoscope reprocessing procedure. Before selecting an appropriate disinfectant, their characteristics, limitations and means of use must be fully understood. Herein, we review the characteristics of several currently available disinfectants, including their uses, potency, advantages, and disadvantages. Most disinfectants can be used to reprocess gastrointestinal endoscopes if the manufacturer's guidelines are followed. The selection and use of a suitable disinfectant depends on the individual circumstances of each endoscopy suite.


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  • Collective bacterial disinfection by opto-chemical treatment on mature biofilm in clinical endoscope
    Van Nam Tran, Suhyun Park, Fazlurrahman Khan, Van Gia Truong, Seok Jeong, Don Haeng Lee, Young-Mog Kim, Hyun Wook Kang
    Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology.2022; 226: 112367.     CrossRef
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  • Opto-chemical treatment for enhanced high-level disinfection of mature bacterial biofilm in a Teflon-based endoscope model
    Van Nam Tran, Periaswamy Sivagnanam Saravana, Suhyun Park, Van Gia Truong, Byung-Soo Chun, Hyun Wook Kang
    Biomedical Optics Express.2021; 12(9): 5736.     CrossRef
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    Neil B. Marya, Raman V. Muthusamy
    Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America.2020; 30(4): 665.     CrossRef
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    Jinhwan Kim, Joho Yun, Kwanghyun Kim, Nah Ihm Kim, Hee Joon Kim, Jong-Hyun Lee
    IEEE Sensors Journal.2020; 20(23): 14042.     CrossRef
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    The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology.2018; 71(6): 319.     CrossRef
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    Van Nam Tran, Chakradhar Dasagrandhi, Van Gia Truong, Young-Mog Kim, Hyun Wook Kang, Michael R. Hamblin
    PLOS ONE.2018; 13(8): e0202821.     CrossRef
  • Education and Training Guidelines for the Board of the Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
    Hee Seok Moon, Eun Kwang Choi, Ji Hyun Seo, Jeong Seop Moon, Ho June Song, Kyoung Oh Kim, Jong Jin Hyun, Sung Kwan Shin, Beom Jae Lee, Sang Heon Lee
    Clinical Endoscopy.2017; 50(4): 345.     CrossRef
  • Acute Phlegmonous Gastritis Developing after Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection That Was Successfully Treated by Antibiotics Alone
    Yoo-Min Park, Jae-Young Jang, Hyo-Jung Ha, Da Rae Kim, Sun-Hee Park, A-Ri Shin, Ja-Won Koo
    The Korean Journal of Medicine.2016; 90(2): 127.     CrossRef
  • National Endoscopy Quality Improvement Program Remains Suboptimal in Korea
    Jae Myung Cha, Jeong Seop Moon, Il-Kwun Chung, Jin-Oh Kim, Jong Pil Im, Yu Kyung Cho, Hyun Gun Kim, Sang Kil Lee, Hang Lak Lee, Jae Young Jang, Eun Sun Kim, Yunho Jung, Chang Mo Moon, Yeol Kim, Bo Young Park
    Gut and Liver.2016; 10(5): 699.     CrossRef
  • Role of Clinical Endoscopy in Emphasizing Endoscope Disinfection
    Ji Kon Ryu, Eun Young Kim, Kwang An Kwon, Il Ju Choi, Ki Baik Hahm
    Clinical Endoscopy.2015; 48(5): 351.     CrossRef
  • Removal of pathogenic bacterial biofilms by combinations of oxidizing compounds
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    Canadian Journal of Microbiology.2015; 61(5): 351.     CrossRef
  • Current Status of Endoscope Reprocessing in Korea
    Young-Seok Cho
    Clinical Endoscopy.2015; 48(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Survey of Endoscope Reprocessing in Korea
    Jeong Bae Park, Jae Nam Yang, Yun Jeong Lim, Ja Seol Koo, Jae Young Jang, Sang Hoon Park, Su Jin Hong, Sang-Woo Kim, Hoon Jai Chun
    Clinical Endoscopy.2015; 48(1): 39.     CrossRef
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Original Article
Diagnostic Accuracy and Interobserver Agreement in Predicting the Submucosal Invasion of Colorectal Tumors Using Gross Findings, Pit Patterns, and Microvasculatures
Hye Jung Choi, Bo-In Lee, Hwang Choi, Kyu Yong Choi, Sang-Woo Kim, Joo Yong Song, Jeong Seon Ji, Byung-Wook Kim
Clin Endosc 2013;46(2):168-171.   Published online March 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Depth of invasion is one of the most important factors for establishing treatment strategy for colorectal tumors.


Three blinded experts reviewed electronic photos and video clips of 33 early colorectal cancer-like lesions. They estimated the depth of invasion based on conventional white light endoscopy (CWE), magnifying chromoendoscopy (MCE), and magnifying narrow band imaging endoscopy (MNE).


The lesions included nine mucosal low-grade neoplasias, 16 mucosal high grade neoplasias, and eight carcinomas with invasion to the submucosal layer or beyond. The diagnostic accuracy for submucosal invasion by CWE ranged from 67% to 82%, while those by MCE and MNE ranged from 85% to 88% and 85% to 88%, respectively. The diagnostic accuracy significantly differed between CWE and MCE (p=0.034) and between CWE and MNE (p=0.039). The kappa values for CWE, MCE, and MNE among the endoscopists were 0.564, 0.673, and 0.673, respectively.


The estimation of submucosal invasion for early colorectal cancer-like lesions based on MCE or MNE is more accurate than CWE. MCE and MNE were demonstrated to have substantial agreement for predicting submucosal invasion.


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    Bo-In Lee, Takahisa Matsuda
    Clinical Endoscopy.2019; 52(2): 100.     CrossRef
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  • Brief Education on Microvasculature and Pit Pattern for Trainees Significantly Improves Estimation of the Invasion Depth of Colorectal Tumors
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