Tuberculosis remains a serious infectious disease with primary features of pulmonary manifestation in Korea. However, duodenal tuberculosis is rare in gastrointestinal cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Here, we report a case of primary duodenal tuberculosis mistaken as a malignant tumor and diagnosed with QuantiFERON-TB GOLD (Cellestis Ltd.) in an immunocompetent male patient.
Amyloidosis is a group of disorders characterized by the extracellular accumulation of insoluble, fibrillar proteins in various organs and tissues. It is classified, on the basis of the identity of the precursor protein, as primary, secondary, or familial amyloidosis. Gastrointestinal amyloidosis usually presents as bleeding, ulceration, malabsorption, protein loss, and diarrhea. However, gastric amyloidosis with gastric outlet obstruction mimicking linitis plastica is rare. We report a case of gastrointestinal amyloidosis with gastric outlet obstruction in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis. The patient was indicated for subtotal gastrectomy because of the aggravation of obstructive symptoms, but refused the operation and was transferred to another hospital. Three months later, the patient died of aspiration pneumonia during medical treatment.
Colorectal cancer is rare in teenagers, especially without known risk factors. Colon cancer in young age is more likely to be diagnosed at advanced-stage, to present unfavorable tumor histology such as mucinous carcinoma, and poor outcome. We report a case of sporadic mucinous adenocarcinoma of the colon in a 19-year-old male patient without any risk factors. He complained of severe left abdominal pain that developed 1 month ago. He had a distended abdomen with severe tenderness on the left lower quadrant. A distal descending colon mass causing mechanical obstruction was observed on abdominal computed tomography. Emergency colonoscopy showed a large, fungating mass obstructing the lumen at 40 cm from the anal verge. Biopsy of the colonic mass suggested a mucinous adenocarcinoma. After decompression by colonic stent, the patient was transferred to the general surgery department for left hemicolectomy. The lesion was confirmed to be a mucinous adenocarcinoma (7.0×4.5 cm). For hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer evaluation, immunohistochemical staining for MLH1 and MSH2 was normal. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis did not detect microinstability in any of the markers tested. The patient had no familial history of cancer. Mucinous adenocarcinoma has high frequencies of poor differentiation, advanced tumor stage, loss of mismatch repair gene expression, and increased MUC2 expression. A mucinous histology is considerably more frequent in children and adolescent than in adults. Adequate invasive study is also necessary for young age patients.
Ischemic colitis is generally considered a disease of the elderly. The causes of ischemic colitis include low-flow states due to cardiac dysfunction or hypovolemia and certain medications including estrogen. Here we report a case of ischemic colitis in a 26-year-old woman. She had no specific medical history except taking oral-contraceptives for a long time. The mechanism of estrogen-induced ischemic colitis is not clearly understood. But we recommend that oral-contraceptives should be considered as a cause of ischemic colitis in young women.