Lymphangioma of the large bowel is a rare benign tumor which is composed of numerous small or large thin-walled lymphatie spaces contained fibrous tissue, smooth muscle and aggregates of lymphoid tissue. Lymphangioma never demonstrated any potential for malignant degeneration. There are three types; l. simple capillary lymphangioma, 2 cavernous lymphangioma and 3 cystic lymphangioma. Endoscopically, lymphangioma appears as a compressible smooth, round, or oval submucosal tumor covered with pale intact mucosa. The surfaces is smooth and the superficial color is the same as the surrouding mucosa or slightly more yellowish. There are change of dimension and shape during propagation of the peristaltic wave and on compression. Recently, authors experienced 4 cases of lymphangioma of large intestine which has been revealed by typical colonoscopic findings and/or endoscopic ultrasound, and confirmed by surgical resection and colonscopic snare polypectomy. 3 of 4 cases show cystic lymphangioma and one case shows carvenous lymphangio~rna. We report these cases with review of literatures. (Kor J Gastrointest Endosc 15: 765- 772, 1995)