Although esophageal cancer has been recognized as difficult to treat, its long-term survival statistics are significant lower than those of other gastrointestinal cancers, Postoperative 5-year survival of the early esophageal cancer which invasion is limited to the mucosa is close to 100%. So, early detection of esophageal cancer has been extremely significant. Progress in the endoscopic technique has enabled to make not only early detection but also curative endoscopic resection of the early esophageal cancers. The indication for curative endoscopic resection of esophageal cancer are as follows: mucosal cancer apart from gross invasion to the muscularis mucosae without nodal involvement and less than 2 cm * 2 cm in size of lesion. EEMR tube(endoscopic esophageal mucoaal resection tube), which was designed by Makuuchi in 1991, is widely used for resection of early esophageal cancers. We report a case of patient with early esophageal cancer, who was admitted due to complation of postprandial epigastric pain, diageosed by endoscopy, endoscopic ultra sonography and chest computerized tomography, and successfully resected by using EEMR tube. (Kar J Gastrointest Endosc 15: 713~ 718, 1995)