Tuberculous bronchoesophageal fistula is a rare disease. We experienced a case of the tuberculous bronchoesophageal fistula, which was found by endoscopy and surgically confirmed. A sixty seven years old female patient complained of foreign body sensation in the throat and frequent aspiration, especially after liquid meal. Esophagoscopic ex- aminatian showed the orifice of the fistula in the midesophagus at the level of 28 cm from the incisors. Esophagogram showed bronchoesophageal fistula between midesophagus and the right intermediate bronchus. A bronchoscopy visualized fistulous tract with granulation in the right intermediate bronchus. Biopsy specimens obtained from the bronchus revealed the esophageal tissue with granulation and multinucleated giant cells. Fistulectomy with wrapping procedure was performed successfully. Surgical pathologic findings confirmed a small focal granuloma and chronic inflammations, compatible with tuberculosis. There was no evidence of malignancy at the specimens. She was treated with anti-tuberculous agents and became well.