We studied and analyzed 66 cases of choledochal cyst in a 9 year period from March, 1985 to December, l993 at Hangang, Kangnam and Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital. The results were as follows; 1) Age ranged from 1 year to 82 years and ll of 66 cases were below 10 years. The ratio of men to women was 1: 1.9. 2) The frequency of the triad of symptoms and signs were in order of abdominal pain 53 cases(80.3%), jaundice 12 cases(18.2%) and abdominal mass 9 cases(13.6%). The classical triad of pain, mass and jaundice was present in only 2 cases(3.0%). 3) Alkaline phosphatase was elevated in 42 cases(63.6%), hyperbilirubinemia in 29 cases(43.9%) and hyperamylasemia in 9 cases(13.6%). 4) Performed diagnostic procedures were ultrasonogram in 57 cases(86.4%), endo- scopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram in 32 cases(48.5%), DISIDA scan in 18 cases(27.3%), computed tomogram in 14 cases(21.2%) and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiagram in 6 cases(9.1%). 5) Among 38 cases which ERCP or PTC were performed, according to the Todani's classification, Type I was seen in 28 cases(73.7%), Type IVA in 7 cases(18. 4%), Type II in 2 cases(5.3%) and Type V in I case(2.6%). 6) The associated diseases were cholangitis in 15 cases(22.7%), choledocholithiasis in 12 cases(18.2%) and cholangiocarcinoma in 2 cases(3.0%). 7) Operative procedures were performed in 22 of 66 cases, excision of cyst with Roux-en-Y c~holedochojejunostomy in 17 cases, choledochocystojejunostomy in 2 cases and external drainage in 3 cases.