Pancreatoblastoma is a rare tumor, which usually affects infants and young children. We report a case of pancreatoblastoma in a 51-year-old man. To our knowledge, this is the first case of pancreatoblastoma occurred in an adult in Korea. A 2,5 * 3.5 cm sized pancreatic mass was detected on routine examination. An enhanced computed, tamography scan showed a slightly low density solid mass in the body of the pancreas. An abrupt occlusion of the main pancreatic duct and filling defect at the body was noted in the endoscopic retrograde pancreatogram. On operation, a well circumscribed yellowish white mass with whitish capsule was found without adhesion. Histologic examination revealed that the tumor was made up predominantly of medium sized round to polygonal cells having finely granular cytoplaam arranged in solid sheet and acinar structure. Squamoid corpuscles with ovoid to elongated cells were also scattered. The patient is doing well postoperatively. In the review of the literature, the tumor may be biologically different in the older and younger age group. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 16: 693-697, 1996)