More than 17 different terms, including carcinosatcoma and pseudosarcoma, have been applied to the rare polypoid tumors of the esophagus that demonstrate both carcinomatous and sarcomatous components. The multiplicity in terminology seems related to the uncertain histogenesis of these tumors. A demonstration of the ultrastructure of the spindle cells (containing desmosomes and tonofilaments) is consistent with an epithelial origin. The patient was a 53 year-old man who had suffered from dysphagia and foreign body sensation in larynx. Endoscopic finding was a large polypiod mass with ulceroinfiltrative lesion at the level of 27cm from the incisor. Pathologic findings were that the covering epithelium showed well differentiated squamous carcinoma with invasive pattern and the stroma contained islands of sarcoma and squamousl cell carcinoma. Immunoreactivity to cytokeratin was not observed. Partial esophagectomy and esophagogastrostomy was done. We report a case of rare malignant esophageal carcinosarcoma. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 17: 155-159, 1997)