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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 19(2); 1999 > Article
Clinical Endoscopy 1999;19(2):200-208.
Published online: November 30, 1998
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/Aims: The precise preoperative staging of rectal cancer is of great im-portance for the selection of an appropriate treatment. Endorectal ultrasonography (EUS) has been proven as an efficient tool for staging in rectal cancer. Moreover, its technical advancement has been enhancing resolution and applications. We evaluated the accuracy of preoperative staging using EUS in rectal cancer and examined whether staging by EUS was an efficient procedure. Methods: EUS was performed in 79 patients with rectal cancer diagnosed by colonoscopic biopsy from January to December, 1996. Endoscopic examina-tion was used with Olympus, GF-UM20 and Br?l and Kjaer type 2001 Scanner. The staging by EUS was based on UICC classification. Results: Preoperative staging by EUS was equal to pathologic staging in 70.9% (56/79) of cases. Overstaging was found in 17.7% (14/79) and downstaging in 11.4% (9/79). The prediction of lymph node metastases was accurate in 50 of 79 cases (63.3%). Conclusion: EUS seems to be an efficient diagnostic method to assess rectal cancer staging. More accurate imaging and further experience in the interpretation is needed to improve the efficacy of EUS. (Korean J Gas-trointest Endosc 19: 200 ∼208, 1999)

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