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Clin Endosc : Clinical Endoscopy



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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 21(3); 2000 > Article
Clinical Endoscopy 2000;21(3):696-703.
Published online: November 30, 1999
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/Aims: In western courtry, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) serology is a screening test for non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) before endoscopy in dyspeptic patients under 45 years old without alarm symptoms The aim of this study was to determine the usefulness of H. pylori serology before endoscopy in Korea Methods: Six hundred and fifteen outpatients (M: F=339: 276, mean age 43.6±13.8, range 15-81) with dyspepsia performed anti-H. pylori IgG (GAP or HM-CAP) and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy. Exclusion criteria were alarm symptoms, history of gastrectomy, NSAID use and previous anti-H. pylori treatment. Results: The prevalence of anti-H. pylori IgG was 61.0% in patients under and 40 years old and 63.8% in patients over 40 years old. There was no significant difference between age groups. For patients under and 40 years old, serology predicted all pathology except 5 gastric ulcer, 8 duodenal ulcer, 2 reflux esophagitis and 2 gastric submucosal tumor. The sensitivity and negative predictive value (76.7, 85.8%) in patients under and 40 years old were higher than that (61.9, 64.0%) in patients over 40 years old (p=0.037, p=0.001), Conclusions: H. pylori serology seems to be an acceptable screening test for NUD in dyspeptic patients under and 40 years old without alarm symptoms.

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