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Clin Endosc : Clinical Endoscopy



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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 3(1); 1983 > Article
Clinical Endoscopy 1983;3(1):89-93.
Published online: November 30, 1982
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Candida Albicans is a saprophytic organism under normal circumstances and a limited pathogen when presents in large numbers. The common site of infection are the mouth, skin, vagina and respiratory tract. It is a common inhabitant of the G-I tract, where it does not usually cause symptoms. With impared defense mechanism or long-term antibiotic therapy, however it can became a significant pathogen. The clinical symptoms and endoscopic findings present a spectrum of changes depending on the degree of esophageal involvement. Painful awallowing and substernal chest pain are most common symptoms. Esophgeal infection is an unusual but impartant form of the diseases and can easily be confirmed by esophagoscopy. Recently we have experienced 4 cases of esophageal moniliasis confirmed by esophagoscopy and tissue biopay.

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