Postcholecystectomy syndrome is the persistence or recurrence of symytom complex following cholecystectomy, The majority of the patients have mild symptoms. However, the cause of recurrent symptoms is often obscure and as a consequence, a plan of management is difficult to formulate. Recently ERCP has proved to be increasingly helpful in the investigation of postcholecystectomy patients. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of the ERCP in the evaluation of patients with postcbiolecystectomy syndrorae. The results are as follows 1) 102 postcholecystectomy patients were studied by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and successful cannulation with demonstration of at least one duct was achieved in 49 of 50 jaundiced patients and in 49 of 52 non-jaundiced patients. The overall success rate was 96. 1%. 2) The results of ERCP were normal in 26 patients(26.5%) and abnormal in 72 patients (73.5%), Only 3 of 50 jaundiced patients were normal, but 23 of 52 non-jaundiced patients showed no abnormal findings. 3) The most common abnormality was biliary stone in common bile duct and intrahepatic duct which were present in 51 patients(50%). Cholangitis without stone was next common finding which was in 13 patients(13%). Of the remaining patients have air biligram, 2 CBD stricture, 1 CBD aseariasis & 1 chronic pancreatitis. 4) Time lapse between onset of symptoms and cholecystectomy was variable. 31 patients were studied less than 2 years after cholecystectomy. 18 of these patients had jaundice and 13 had no jaundice. Within 2 years afte chklecystectomy, the biliary stone was most common finding which were present in 14 out of 31 patients.