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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 23(4); 2001 > Article
Clinical Endoscopy 2001;23(4):245-250.
Published online: November 30, 2000
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The idiopathic hypereosinophlic syndrome (HES) is a disease defined by three diagnostic criteria, first, sustained blood eosinophilia is greater than 1,500/mm3 present for longer than 6 months, second, other apparent etiologies for eosinophilia must be absent, including parasitic infection and allergic disease, third, patients must have signs and symptoms of organ involvement. It is associated with cytotoxic granule proteins released by mature eosinophils. HES mainly affects cardiovascular, neurologic, pulmonary system, liver and apleen while low incidence of gastrointestinal involvement is found, and the development of severe complications such as intestinal obstruction after peritonitis or intestinal perforation is extremely rare. We have experienced a case of HES involving hepatic and digestive system, 39 year old man patient who was operated due to intestinal obstruction that was followed by HES, so we report this case with a review of the literature. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2001;23:245-250)

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