A barium granuloma of the colon and rectum is a rare complication of radiologic examination of the digestive tract using barium. This complication is exceptional. During the enema, the ungula may ulcerate the mucosa which is blown up secondarlly by the barium, Clinically, the granuloma presets as a hard polyp like a malignant tumur. So, the recognition of this entity is important because it can mimic other lesions induding a neoplastic process endoscopically. Moreover, hisologiaa1 findings, though they may be characterlstic, often go unnoticed with routine techniques only. The authors report a barium granuloma of the rectum which was djagmosed by endoscopic mucosal resection and radiographic study of the paraffin block, (Korean J Gastrointest Endose 2001;23:45-48)