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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 23(1); 2001 > Article
Clinical Endoscopy 2001;23(1):1-6.
Published online: November 30, 2000
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Baekgronnd/Alms: dinical practlce, among the technique tg defe4ed Heticobacter pylori (H. pylori) infaction IgG serological test is noninvasive, safe, quick, widely available, and inexpensive. We studied that whether the titers of anti-g. pylori IgG antibody were correla0d with endoscopic finding, and the degree of microscopic gastric damage and H. pylori density in dyspeptic patients. Methods: Gastric biopsy specimens were obtained in IGP patiens with H. pylori infec5on undergoing upper gastric endoscopy. The titers of serum IgG antibodies to H pylori were measured by enzyme immumoassay. Macrpscopic gastric damages and. Histologic pylori were scored by the Sydney system. Resnlts: Bndoscopic findings showed no significant association with H. pylori antibody titers (p=0.111). There was significant correlation between H pylori antibody titers and lymphocyte infiltration (p 0.002), neutrophil infiltration (p=0.002), H, pylori density (p=0.000I), respectively. There was no significant correlation between 8 py4ri antibody titers and atropy (p=0. 142), irrtestinal metaplasia (p=0.368), respectivelp. Conclnsions: H. pylori antibody titer has signi6cant association with the H. pylori density, neutrophil and 1ymphocyfe infiltration. The serological test using BIA method is a use5G in detecting H, pylori infection and it may be used as a predictor for the H. pylori density and degree of inflammation. (Korean J Gastrointest Eadose 2001;23:1-6)

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