In 1, 345 patients suspected of having pancreatic or biliary tract disease, 23 patients were shown to have biliary ascariasis demonstrated by endseopic retrograded cholangiopancreatog raphy, at Kwang Ju Christian Hospital from Sep. 1976 to Aug. 1983. Authors report the clinical study and ERCP finding of 23 cases of biliary ascariasis. The result were as follows. 1) Out of 1,345 cases of ERCP, biliary ascariasis were 28 cases, The ascaris were found in CHD & IHD in 21 cases, and 2 casee were found in Ampulla of Vater. 2) There was no specifia age incidence and male to female ratio was 1: 1.9, 3) The disease was more prevalent in spring & summer, and more prevalent in rural area than urban area. 4) The chief eomplaints were RUQ and epigastric abdominal pain. The cases which were admitetted within 2weeks of onset were 16 cases. 5) Ascaris in biliary tract were removed by operation in 14 cases, and EST were performed in 5 cases. Two cases werere moved by DORMIA basket under the endoscopic direct visualization. 6) We report E.S.T. as a new therapeutic method of biliary ascariasis.