Lymphangioma occasionally occurs in gastrointestinal tract, small intestine and mesentery. Cystic lymphangioma is a rare cause of colonic submucosal mass. Endoscopic ultrasonography is very valuable in differential diagnosis of colonic submucosal masses. A 61-year old woman visited our hospital due to lower abdominal pain for two months. In the colonoscopic examination, cystic mass which had smooth mucosal surface was noted at the ascending colon. Endoscopic ultrasonography showed anechoic, multicystic mass confined to the submucosa. The underlying muscularis propria was intact. Endoscopic resection, using a ligating device, was performed for histopathologic diagnosis and treatment. On the histopathologic examination, the cystically dilated spaces lined by endothelium and separated by fibrous septa were present in the submucosa. The histological diagnosis was cystic lymphangioma of the colon. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2003;26:4347)