Gallbladder carcinoma is an uncommon neoplasm, and hemobilia caused by this disease is rare. We present a case of hemobilia in a patient with gallbladder carcinoma, which was recognized at forward duodenoscopy. A 42-year-old man visited our hospital due to intermmittent right upper quadrant pain. Duodenoscopy revealed blood clots with bile juice around the ampulla of Vater and the second portion of the duodenum. Endoscopic ultrasonography for the gallbladder showed a dumbell-shaped mass with a homogenous internal echogenicity on the body of the gallbladder. MR cholangiography showed a lobulated mass with low-signal intensity in the T1-weighted and T2-weighted images. Subsequently, laparoscopic cholecystectomy with regional lymph node dissection was performed, and adenocarcinoma was confirmed.