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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 29(6); 2004 > Article
A Case of Gastric Carcinoid Tumor Accompanied with Bleeding
Clinical Endoscopy 2004;29(6):514-519.
Published online: December 30, 2004
Departments of Internal Medicine and *Pathology, Konyang University College of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea
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Gastric carcinoid tumor is a rare neoplasm that occupies less than 1% of total gastric tumor. Especially, gastric carcinoid tumor with hemorrhage has been very rare. A sixty-three-year old male patient was admitted to the hospital because of hematemesis and melena. On the endoscopic examination, a 2 cm-long polypoid mass with central ulcer and hemorrhagic erosions was seen on the anterior wall of the mid-body without active bleeding. Endoscopic ultrasonography revealed that the lesion was limited to submucosa without evidence of metastasis to adjacent lymph node. We experienced a case of gastric carcinoid tumor accompanied with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The patient underwent extended wedge resection and omentectomy under the diagnosis of type 3 carcinoid tumor. This tentative diagnosis was based on clinical and pathological findings. We report a case of gastric carcinoid with bleeding that is probably type 3. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2004;29:514⁣519)

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