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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 32(2); 2006 > Article
A Case of Appendicular and Rectal Metastasis from Gastric Cancer Detected by Endoscopic Resection
[Epub ahead of print]
Published online: February 27, 2006
Department of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Presbyterian Medical Center, Jeonju, Korea
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A hematogenous or lymphogenous metastasis and a direct or disseminated invasion can occur in cases of a gastrointestinal metastasis. Moreover, a hepatic or peritoneal metastasis is common in advanced gastric cancer. However, a colonic metastasis, particularly an appendicular metastasis, is quite rare. Recently, we experienced a case with an appendicular submucosal tumor-like elevated lesion and multiple rectal elevated lesions during a colonoscopy in an advanced gastric cancer patient. The appendicular lesion was resected endoscopically and a biopsy of the rectal lesions was performed. The pathologic diagnosis was an appendicular and rectal metastasis of a signet ring cell carcinoma. We describe a case of appendicular and rectal metastasis from gastric cancer. The results highlight the importance of considering a metastatic carcinoma when an appendicular or rectal mass is found incidentally in a malignant neoplasm patient. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2006;32:128⁣131)

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