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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 35(1); 2007 > Article
Clinical Feature of Pseudomembranous Colitis with Ascites
Clinical Endoscopy 2007;35(1):14-18.
Published online: July 30, 2007
Department of Internal Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
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/Aims: Ascites is a fairly common condition, but the clinical features of pseudomembranous colitis with ascites are not well-known. The aim of this study was to determine how the existence of ascites is related to the clinical factors. Methods: Between March 2002 and June 2006, 67 pseudomembranous colits patients were diagnosed by performing lower endoscopy and biopsy. The patients' ascites was identified by abdominal plain radiography, ultrasonography or computerized tomography. The extension of colitis was evaluated by ultrasonography or computerized tomography. Results: 16 patients (23.9%) had ascites. The serum WBC (p=0.01), hypoalbuminemia (p<0.01), CRP (p<0.01), recurrence (p<0.01), and extension of colitis (p<0.01) were associated with the existence of ascites. The four patients who had undergone paracentesis had a low SAAG level and PMN dominant ascites. Conclusions: There were correlations of ascities with leukocytosis, hypoalbuminemia, CRP, extension of colitis and recurrence of PMC.

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