Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainge (PTBD) is a widely accepted technique for the decotnn of biliary obstruction. However, PTBD is most frequently performed in patients whose prognosis is poor becauase of unresectable malignancy, sepsis, or advanced age. And this technique has disadvantages which inclusdes loss of biliary fluids, fat malabsorption, discomfort and psychologic problem for many patients. A 68-year-old man admitted to the hospital because of obstructive jaundice. He had received cholectystectomy two yeas ageo due to the perforation of gallbladder caused by adenocarcinoma of cystic duct. An external PTBD was placed. But because of the chronic bile loss, a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) was inserted and drainge of bile into the stomach through an extracoporeal circuit utilizing the PTBD as an exit and PEG as an entrance was achieved.