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Clin Endosc : Clinical Endoscopy



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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 10(2); 1990 > Article
Clinical Endoscopy 1990;10(2):331-335.
Published online: November 30, 1989
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Cancer of the gastric stump, first described by Balfour in 1922, is defined as the cancer detected more than 5 years after surgery for a benign disease. We experienced a case of cancer found at the gastric stump after gastrojejunostomy in a 53 years old male patients, proven pathologically as a early cancer. He visited to our hospital with the chief complaint of epigastric pain and indigestion for 1 Months. On past history, he has been received gastrojejunostomy due to duodenal ulcer obstruction, 23 years ago, Gastrofiberscopy was done, and we could find the early gastric cancer lesions at the anterior wall of gastric angle as type Ilc+III and antrum as type IIa. The microscopic finding of the multiple endoscopic biopsies at the gastic angle and antrum revealed the adenocarcinoma of signet ring cell type infiltrated to the level of submucosa. And so, we could diagnose these lesions as a early gastric cancer in the gastric stump after gastrojejunostomy. He was treated with subtotal gastrectomy and discharged with cured condition. Therefore, we report this case with a literature review.

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