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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 42(4); 2011 > Article
A Case of a Pancreaticogastric Fistula Following Acute Pancreatitis
Clinical Endoscopy 2011;42(4):245-249.
Published online: April 28, 2011
Department of Internal Medicine, St. Carollo Hospital, Suncheon, Korea
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A pancreatic fistula (PF) is an abnormal connection between the pancreas and adjacent or distant organs, structures, or spaces resulting from leakage of pancreatic secretions from disrupted pancreatic ducts. A PF is a rare complication that occurs during a acute and chronic pancreatitis or after traumatic or surgical disruption of the pancreatic duct. PFs are frequently classified as internal or external depending upon whether they communicate with an internal organ or the skin. Pancreatico-colonic fistulas are the most common, whereas pancreatico-gastric fistulas are the rarest. We report a rare case of a pancreatico-gastric fistula complicated by acute pancreatitis. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2011;42:245-249)

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