Fig. 1Computed tomography of the abdomen showed abdominal wall metastasis. Enhancing mass around the ileostomy site resulted in diffuse dilatation of the small bowel.
Fig. 2(A) Conventional endoscopy showed obstruction of the stoma by cancer invasion. (B) The lesion was felt to be hard on palpation and it had shallow, irregular marginated ulcers covered with exudates.
Fig. 3(A) After removing the rectal tube, (B, C) we inserted a guide wire through the obstructive lumen under endoscopy and fluoroscopic guidance. (D) Then, self expandable metallic stent was inserted over the guide wire. (E, F) The last two pictures showed the fully expanding percutaneous metal stent and fecal materials pouring from the stent's lumen.
Fig. 4(A) Fluoroscopic view showed the release of the stent at the obstruction site and (B) the fully expanding stent contrasted by air inflation. Another stent, which had previously been inserted into the ascending colon and migrated was noted above it.