Fig. 1Colonoscopic findings. Multiple polyps of different size and shape were found in (A) the terminal ileum and (B) the rectum.
Fig. 2Multiple lipomatosis lesions and the neck computed tomography findings. (A) Soft hump on the neck. (B) Flaccid mass on the arm. (C) Dense fat masses located along both the submandibular and the anterior neck portions. (D) Multiple lipomas found in the supraclavicular and the posterior neck area.
Fig. 3Pathognomonic mucocutaneous lesions. (A) Multiple cutaneous papules of black and dark brown pigmentations on the lips. (B) Multiple small papillomas on the gingiva. (C) Mucosal papillomas with cobblestone appearance found on the tongue. (D) Multiple whitish papillomas on the laryngeal surface of the epiglottis.
Fig. 4Upper endoscopic findings. (A) Elevated flat acanthosis lesions with whitish color in the esophagus. (B) Numerous round polyps on the body of the stomach. (C) Many small polyps found in the second portion of the duodenum.
Fig. 5Thyroid ultrasonography and microscopic findings of the gross specimen. (A) The 2-cm sized, well-defined, irregular marginated and hypoechoic round mass with the internal calcification (cross). (B) The metastatic lymph node of the left jugulodigastric chain shows loss of the central hilum and increase of the echogenicity (cross). (C) The microscopic feature shows the papillary carcinoma in the background of the Hashimoto thyroiditis (H&E stain, ×40). (D) The nucleus of the tumor cell has the ground glass appearance with some nuclear grooves or pseudo-inclusions (H&E stain, ×400).