Fig. 1(A) Animal model for Barrett esophagus (BE). Esophagojejunostomy was performed in Sprague Dawley rats to expose the esophagus to gastroduodenal contents. Histological examination showed the clear appearance of BE with partial changes of BE-associated adenocarcinoma (arrows). (B) cDNA microarray for biomarkers of BE. A 20,000 rat cDNA microarray (Macrogen) was probed using Cy3 and Cy5 labeling to identify the genes responsible for BE and BE-associated carcinoma with Scatchard plotting and bioinformatics analysis. The results are currently being validated.
Fig. 2Advances in molecular imaging technology for future medicine in gastroenterology, and cDNA microarray and imaging mass spectrometry (IMS). (A) Flow for IMS as exemplified in colitic cancer. (B) Label-free protein quantification scheme for either biomarker discovery or IMS. (C) Label-based protein quantification scheme using isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) labeling. ITO, indium tin oxide; MALDI-TOF-IMS, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight imaging mass spectrometry; LC-MS/MS, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; RT, chromatographic retention time; m/z, mass-to-charge ratio; PCA, principal components analysis.