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For authors and reviewers

Please check the manuscript for the lists below before proceeding for submission. The submitted manuscript will not be reviewed until these lists are not complete.

Preparation of Manuscript

The submitted manuscript covers the field of endoscopy related to epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, as well as the treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases.
Neither the submitted manuscript nor portions of it have been published previously or are under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The submitted manuscript fulfilled the Research and publication ethics of this journal.
All listed authors participated meaningfully in the study, and they saw and approved the final manuscript. All authors agreed to the conditions outlined in the Copyright statement.
Author contribution should be described as following roles or tasks:
1) Conceptualization, (2) Data curation, (3) Formal analysis, (4) Funding acquisition, (5) Investigation, (6) Methodology, (7) Project administration, (8) Resources, (9) Software, (10) Supervision, (11) Validation, (12) Visualization,(13) Writing-original draft, (14) Writing-review & editing.
A separate cover letter is submitted.
The submitted manuscript described a full conflict of interest disclosure.
Manuscript is typed double-spaced (including references, tables, figure legends, and footnotes) using Microsoft word program.
Page number is placed at the bottom of each page.
Manuscript is structured according to the following order: In the original article, title, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conflicts of interest, funding, acknowledgments, author contributions, references, figure legends, tables, and figures. In the case report, title, abstract, introduction, case report, discussion, conflicts of interest, funding, acknowledgments, author contributions, references, figure legends, tables, and figures.

Title page

Title is concise and informative. A running title is provided if the title exceeds 12 words.
The first letter of each word in the title is the capital letter.
Example) Prognostic factors of ulcer bleeding (X)
Prognostic Factors of Ulcer Bleeding (O)
The authors' names are listed as follows: first name, middle initial(s), and family name with no title.
The name, full postal address, telephone and facsimile numbers and E-mail address of the corresponding author is provided.


A structured abstract of no more than 200 words (in the case report, no more than 150 words without subheading) is described under the following subheadings: Background/Aims, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
Lists of key words using Index Medicus (5 words or less) that reflect the content of the manuscript are provided.


Statistical method used is described.
Spaces between words and parentheses are present.
Example) tumor necrosis factor(TNF) (X) tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (O)
8 patients(16%) (X) 8 patients (16%) (O)
11/20(55.0%) (X) 11/20 (55.0%) (O)
Spaces between numbers and units are present.
Example) AST 125IU/L (X) AST 125 IU/L (O)
9.2mg/dL (X) 9.2 mg/dL (O)
170cm (X) 170 cm (O)
Unnecessary spaces are not present between numbers and % or oC.
Example) 78 % (X) 78% (O)
39 ℃ (X) 39℃ (O)
The names of bacteria are provided in italics.
Example) Helicobacter pylori (X) Helicobacter pylori (X)


References are cited in order of appearance in text using Arabic numerals in superscript.
Example) endoscopic treatment10-13). (X)
endoscopic treatment.10,11,12,13 (X)
endoscopic treatment.10-13 (O)
References are typed double-spaced on sheets separate from the text and numbered consecutively.
The style and punctuation of the references conform to the style of the Clinical Endoscopy (see examples in the Instructions for Authors).

Figure and table

Figure legends are typed double-spaced on a separate sheet.
Each figure is numbered according to the order of citation.
Symbols, arrows, and letters used to indicate parts of illustrations are identified in the figure legend.
Staining method and magnifying power are provided if the figure is the histologic photograph.
Tables are typed double-spaced on a separate sheet, accompanied by table number and title above table and explanatory notes below.
Each table is numbered according to order of citation.
Only the first word of phrase in the table starts with capital letter.
The form and order of footnotes in the table are as follows: a), b), c)….
Figures are submitted in the form of jpg, gif, or ppt file format with resolution of 600 dpi or over.

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