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Clin Endosc : Clinical Endoscopy



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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 17(2); 1997 > Article
Clinical Endoscopy 1997;17(2):173-179.
Published online: November 30, 1996
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Gastric stump cancer is defined as cancers that develop in the gastric remnant after the gastric resection of nonmalignant lesions or malignant lesions. The interval between gastrectomy and the detection of gastric stump cancer must be over 5 years in nonmaligant lesions and 10 years in malignant lesions. Symptoms of gastric stump cancer are not specific, so, diagnosis is often delayed. Early detection and curative operation is very important in gasric stump cancer and follow-up endoscopic examination is the most importaint diagnostic tool to detect gastric stump cancer. Recently we experienced a case of early gastric stump cancer. We report review of the literature to remind the important of gastric stump cancer and the important of follow-up endoscopic examination. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 17: 173-177, 1997)

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