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Clin Endosc : Clinical Endoscopy



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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 18(6); 1998 > Article
[Epub ahead of print]
Published online: November 30, 1997
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/Aims: Since the laparoscopic cholecystectomy has been introduced, minimally invasive techniques have been applied to the management of various intraabdominal lesions. Laparoscopic resection of benign gastric tumor has several advantages compared to open surgery; such as reduced postoperative discomfort, early hospital discharge and less complications. Methods: We performed laparoscopic gastric resection for 6 benign gastric leiomyomas and 3 heterotropic gastric pancreases diagnosed by gastric endoscopy and did endoscopic ultrasonography routinely to find out the exact location of mass and depth of invasion. Results: 1) Male to female ratio was 2: 7 and mean age was 48 years. 2) The masses were located at posterior wall of body in 5 cases, fundus in 2 cases, anterior wall of antrum in 1 case, and enterior wall of body, lesser curvature in 1 case. 3) Resection of benign gastric tumors were readily achieved laparoscopically, aided by disposable stapling instruments. 4) Mean operation time was 120 minutes and mean hospital stay was 5.1 days. Conclusions: The benign gastric tumors can be managed laparoscopically with good results and this procedure provides another choice for the resection of them. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 18: 841-846, 1998)

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